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182                                                                         Examples of Jizhou bowls with similar designs on the interior and a
A fine and rare Jizhou ‘tortoiseshell’-glazed                               tortoise-shell glaze on the exterior include: one illustrated in Song
‘guri’-decorated conical tea bowl                                           Ceramics from the Laiyantang Collection, 2010, p.92-93, no.37; a
Southern Song Dynasty                                                       bowl in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, illustrated by
The interior finely decorated with guri-style scrolls between five scroll-  Suzanne G. Valenstein, A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, New York,
filled petals radiating from the centre, the exterior with pale blue-buff   1989, p.117, no.113; one in the collection of the Bristol City Museum
and brown splashes on a dark brown-black ground simulating a                and Art Gallery, illustrated by Margaret Medley, Yuan Porcelain and
tortoise’s shell.                                                           Stoneware, London, 1974, pl.117A; and another in The Museum of
12.3cm diam.                                                                East Asian Art in Bath, England, illustrated by Brian McElney, Inaugural
                                                                            Exhibition Volume 1, Chinese Ceramics, Bath, 1993, no.128.
HK$350,000 - 500,000
US$45,000 - 65,000                                                          盌口微撇,圓錐身,圈足。通身施黑釉,內壁作施剔犀如意雲紋窯變

南宋 吉州窯黑釉仿剔犀紋盞                                                               釉,兩種不同釉色對比強烈,具有獨特之裝飾效果。盌外壁施不規則



                                                                            大都會博物館藏一 例,著錄於Suzanne G. Valenstein,《A Handbook
                                                                            of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1989年,頁117,圖113;英國布里斯
                                                                            托城市博物館與美術館也有一例可參考,見Margaret Medley,《Yuan
                                                                            Porcelain and Stoneware》,倫敦,1974年,圖117A;另外巴斯
                                                                            東亞藝術博物館也有一件可資比較,見Brian McElney,《Inaugural
                                                                            Exhibition Volume 1, Chinese Ceramics》,巴斯,1993年,圖128。

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