Page 184 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 184

183                                                                       Compare with a very similar vase from the Tokyo National Museum,
A fine and very rare Jizhou ‘guri’-style vase,                            illustrated by Margaret Medley in The Chinese Potter, A Practical
meiping                                                                   History of Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1976, p.160, no.120. Another
Southern Song Dynasty                                                     nearly identical meiping was also included in the exhibition The
Elegantly potted, the slender baluster body with high shoulders,          Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics, An Exhibition of Song Treasures
brightly and carefully painted with heart-shaped ‘guri’-style scroll      from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, New York, London,
patterns in blue and buff tones, all on a dark black-brown ground, the    22 November 2012 - 14 May 2013, p.112-113, no.43. This form of
neck encircled with a key-fret band rising to a lipped mouth rim.         decoration was also applied on bowls: for example, one from the
22.5cm high                                                               Hakutsuru Fine Art Museum, Kobe, is illustrated by H. Nishida and
                                                                          S. Sato, eds. Chinese Ceramics. Temmoku, vol.6, 1999, p.127. A
HK$800,000 - 1,200,000                                                    fragment of a bowl with the same type of scrolling decoration has
US$100,000 - 150,000                                                      also been excavated from the Song stratum at the Jizhou kiln site at
                                                                          Ji’anxian and is now in the Jiangxi Provincial Museum, published in
南宋 吉州窯仿剔犀如意雲紋梅瓶                                                           Zhongguo taoci quanji, vol. 15, Shanghai, 1986, no. 82.

‘Guri’-style is a term typically used to describe Jizhou ceramics         Several ‘guri’-style Jizhou vases have been sold at auction: including
that are painted or moulded with designs imitating those found on         a very similar meiping sold at Sothebys New York, 30 March 2006,
lacquer wares. These designs include a characteristic symmetrical         lot 33; another Jizhou meiping decorated with ‘guri’-style star-shaped
arrangement of scrolls and geometric designs, which are repeated to       flowers, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong 29 May 2013; and a pair of
fill the entire surface. The term ‘guri’ (the Japanese pronunciation of   ‘guri’-style pear-shaped vases with very similarly heart-shaped designs
ruyi), was first used to describe the patterns carved into on Southern    sold at Christie’s New York, 29 March 2006, lot 403. See also lot 182
Song Dynasty lacquer wares, that resembled the decoration on sword        for a ‘guri’-style Jizhou bowl from the Feng Wen Tang Collection.
The symmetrical compositions, comprising rounded scrolls that             胎黑釉。瓶通體施黑釉,瓶頸飾迴紋一周,瓶身外壁飾以對稱萬漩渦
form ruyi or heart-shaped patterns, as seen on this lot, presented an     式紋飾,以仿製漆器中剔犀裝飾工藝之效果,線條自然,極為獨特,
extremely difficult challenge for Jizhou ceramic decorators. Painted      為吉州窯黑釉器中裝飾工藝程度較高之品種。
onto the unfired dark glaze, an exceptional level of control was needed
to successfully render the designs symmetrical and achieve the            剔犀本為中國漆器中的一種裝飾工藝,因其層層環繞之紋飾酷似犀牛
contrast in colours. Vessels completely covered in this design are rare.  角斷面層肌理而得名。這種工藝多見於宋代漆器上,銀器裝飾中也見


                                                                          考,見Margaret Medley著,《The Chinese Potter, A Practical History of
                                                                          Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1976年,頁160,圖120。另見日本臨宇

                                                                          物上出現,見日本白鶴美術館藏 一件吉州窯仿剔犀紋盌,著錄於





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