Page 20 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 20

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103                                                                     Yaozhou bowls with carved decoration typically feature dense flowers
                                                                        and leafy stems. It is rare to find cranes, particularly so finely detailed
A rare small Yaozhou celadon ‘three cranes’                             with such crisp carving of the wing’s feathers as seen on the present
moulded conical bowl                                                    lot.

Northern Song Dynasty                                                   盌撇口,斗笠式,斜腹,小底,圈足。盌內膜印飾三仙鶴於祥雲間,
With steep sides rising to a flared rim, the interior decorated with    青釉。耀州窯中,以仙鶴裝飾的模印花紋較為少見。
three cranes in flight amidst lotus blooms and clouds, covered overall
in an olive-green glaze.
13cm diam.

HK$80,000 - 120,000
US$10,000 - 15,000

北宋 耀州窯印花仙鶴祥雲紋盌

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