Page 22 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 22

104                                                                 Box and cover such as the present lot is thought to be used for weiqi
A rare small Yaozhou celadon carved circular                        pebbles. Compare with a drum-shaped box and cover dated to the
box and cover                                                       Norther Song Dynasty in the Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology and
Northern Song Dynasty                                               another similar box and cover in the Yaozhou Kiln Sites Museum, both
The tall cylindrical box raised on a narrow foot, covered around    were excavated in the Huangbao kiln site, Tongchuan city, illustrated
the exterior with an olive-green glaze, the similarly glazed cover  in Zhang Bai, Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji 15:Shaanxi, Beijing, 2008,
decorated on top with a leafy floral spray.                         pl.122 and 189.
8.7cm high (2).
HK$200,000 - 300,000                                                頂略拱,蓋壁折斜,蓋頂刻折枝牡丹紋,盒身素面。胎呈灰白色,胎
US$26,000 - 39,000                                                  質細密,通體施青釉,釉面光潔細潤,子口及內腔露胎。

北宋 耀州窯青釉刻花蓋盒                                                        此類小蓋盒,或可能作為圍棋盒使用,陝西省考古研究所藏一件陝西

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