Page 204 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 204

193                                                                  The carved technique utilised on this vase was one of the most
A fine and rare Cizhou carved pear-shaped vase,                      painstaking and difficult. It involved first covering the vessel with a
yuhuchunping                                                         pale slip, and then applying a dark slip on top after the first layer had
Jin Dynasty                                                          dried. Areas of the dark slip were then carefully carved away leaving
The body raised on a short spreading foot rising to a slender neck   the decoration in dark brown to attractively contrast against the pale
and flared mouth rim, carved through the lustrous thick brown-black  ground. Great skill was needed in executing these designs in order to
glaze with a wide band of scrolling foliage below a smaller similar  not cut too deeply and remove the pale slip with the dark. Details cut
band contrasting with the pale slip.                                 through the slip using a sharp point were added to give the design
28cm high                                                            more depth and complexity, such as the incised lines within the foliage
                                                                     on the present vase.
HK$600,000 - 800,000
US$77,000 - 100,000                                                  Cizhou carved yuhuchunping vases with similar decoration include:
                                                                     one in the Honolulu Academy of Arts, dated Yuan Dynasty, illustrated
金 磁州窯黑釉剔花卉紋玉壺春瓶                                                      by Jan Wirgin, Sung Ceramic Designs, London, 1970, pl.55d; another
                                                                     similar vase formerly in the Captain Dugald Malcolm collection,
                                                                     illustrated by Margaret Medley, The Chinese Potter, A Practical History
                                                                     of Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1976, p.134-135, no.97; and another
                                                                     dated to the Jin Dynasty, illustrated by Mitsuru Uragami, The 30th
                                                                     Anniversary of Uragami Sokyu-do, Tokyo, 2009, p.44. Two related
                                                                     vases, of similar form but decorated with peonies, are illustrated in
                                                                     Song Ceramics, The Muwen Tang Collection Series, Hong Kong,
                                                                     2012, pp.456-459, no.193 and 194.

                                                                     The result of C-Link Research & Development Ltd.
                                                                     thermoluminescence test no.6380AM20 is consistent with the dating
                                                                     of this lot.







                                                                     除花紋周圍的黑色化妝土,產 生白地黑化的效果,最後在施一層透明




                                                                     件元代玉壺春瓶,著錄於Jan Wirgin,《Sung Ceramic Designs》,
                                                                     倫敦,1970年,圖版55d;另見Duglad Malcolm將軍舊藏一件類似的
                                                                     磁州窯玉壺春瓶,著錄於Margaret Medley,《The Chinese Potter, A
                                                                     Practical History of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1976年,頁134-135,

                                                                     《宋代瓷器》,香港,2012年,頁 456-459,圖版193、194。



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