Page 208 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 208

194                                                                    The kilns making Cizhou wares with floral decoration, deeply carved
A fine and rare Cizhou ‘peony-scroll’ carved                           through white slip on the surface to show the buff-brown coloured
globular jar                                                           clay below, are often claimed to have been established at Quhezhen,
Northern Song/Jin Dynasty                                              Dengfengxian, Henan Province which was active from the Tang to the
The body raised on a short spreading foot, boldly decorated on the     Yuan Dynasty, and whose production peaked in the Song Dynasty.
exterior through white slip with a strongly contrasting band of large  Other than Guantai kiln in Hebei Province and Dangyangyu kiln in
peony blooms on leafy stems, silhouetted crisply against the light     Henan Province, fragments of vessels decorated in this technique,
brown body.                                                            but depicting stylised floral scrolls with narrow petals, were also found
15cm high                                                              in 1962 at this site, exhibited in Kiln Sites of Ancient China - Recent
                                                                       Finds of Pottery and Porcelain, Oriental Ceramic Society, London,
HK$600,000 - 800,000                                                   1980, p.155, no.389. For another Cizhou ware decorated in the similar
US$77,000 - 100,000                                                    technique from the Feng Wen Tang Collection, see lot 195.

北宋/金 磁州窯白釉剔牡丹花卉紋罐                                                      罐圓身,鼓腹,圈足略撇,灰褐色胎骨。罐身外壁施白色化妝土,並










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