Page 212 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 212

195                                                                 Active from the late Tang through to the end of the Ming Dynasty,
A very rare Cizhou ‘peony-scroll’ carved globular                   Cizhou kilns specialised in producing stonewares with opaque slips
jar and cover                                                       that were carved through to the darker ground with boldly incised,
Northern Song Dynasty                                               carved or painted designs. The current lot is part of a well-known
Raised on a splayed foot with a lipped mouth rim, finely carved     group of Cizhou wares with floral decoration deeply carved through
around the body through the white slip with a wide band of peonies  white slip on the surface using the sgraffiato technique to show the
on scrolling leafy stems below a band of overlapping petals, the    buff-brown coloured clay below. It is extremely rare to find jars of this
conical cover surmounted with a short cylindrical knop.             type with their covers.
14.5cm high (2).
                                                                    A related Cizhou globular jar, decorated with a very similar wide band
HK$1,000,000 - 1,500,000                                            of peonies, in the Freer Gallery of Art, is illustrated by Jan Wirgin, Sung
US$130,000 - 190,000                                                Ceramics Designs, London, 1970, pl.41f. While the Freer Gallery of
                                                                    Art jar does not have a lotus-lappet band like the present lot, there
北宋 磁州窯白釉剔牡丹花卉紋蓋罐                                                    are many examples of Cizhou wares with similar lotus-lappet bands
                                                                    including: a ewer from a private Japanese collection, ibid, pl.41i; an
                                                                    example illustrated by Zhang Bai, The Complete Works of Chinese
                                                                    Porcelain Unearthed Vol.3, Hebei, Beijing, 2008, no.138; and a jar
                                                                    illustrated in Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection, Hong Kong,
                                                                    1994, pp.326-327, no.145. Compare also with a Cizhou jar sold at
                                                                    Sotheby’s London, 6 November 2013, lot 219.







                                                                    藏一件器形及裝飾極為相似的北宋白釉剔花磁州窯罐,著錄 於Jan
                                                                    Wirgin,《Sung Ceramics Designs》,倫敦,1970年,圖版41f,及

                                                                    南修武當陽峪窯、河南登封窯發現有類似瓷片出土。傳世品 中之例,


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