Page 215 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 215

197                                                                     直口,弧腹下收。口沿內外留白,腹部內外均褐、白兩色泥料揉絞出
A rare Cizhou marble-glazed shallow bowl
Song Dynasty                                                            絞胎工藝始於唐代,實是受到漆器裝飾工藝影響,以不同顏色胎土絞
With rounded sides, covered below the plain mouth rim inside and        產絞胎釉瓷的瓷窯大部分在河南,包括登封窯、當陽峪窯以及武修窯
out with a marbled straw and dark brown glaze.                          等。見2004年河南蕩漾峪窯址出土一件宋代絞釉羽毛紋缽,著錄與
10.5cm diam.                                                            《中國當陽峪窯》,北京,2010年,圖125;另見北京故宮博物院藏
HK$100,000 - 150,000                                                    2008,頁229,圖163。日本臨宇山人藏一件宋代磁州窯絞釉盌,見
US$13,000 - 19,000                                                      香港佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2013
宋 磁州窯絞釉小盌

Compare with a similar Cizhou bowl dated to the Song Dynasty
excavated from the Dangyangyu kiln site in Henan Province, illustrated
in Zhongguo dangyangyu kiln, Beijing, 2010, pl.125, and a similar
Song marble-glazed jar from the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated
in Ceramics Gallery of the Palace Museum, Part I, Beijing, 2008,
p.229, pl.163. A Cizhou bowl of similar glaze and white rim but dated
to the Song Dynasty, is illustrated in the exhibition catalogue The
Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics, An Exhibition of Song Treasures
from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, New York, London, 22
November 2012 - 14 May 2013, p.118, no.44.

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