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210                                                                     Compare with a similar Qingbai ‘peony’ bowl from the Victoria and
A fine Qingbai ‘peony-head’ carved conical bowl                         Albert Museum, illustrated by Stacey Pierson, Qingbai Ware: Chinese
Southern Song/Yuan Dynasty                                              Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, London, 2002, pp.30-31,
Finely carved on the interior with a flower head at the centre          no.2.
surrounded by large peony blossoms on leafy stems, the exterior
similarly decorated, covered overall with an attractive pale greenish-  盌敝口,口以下往內收窄,圈足。內外施青白釉,足底露胎。盌中間
white glaze.                                                            刻有一牡丹團花,內外壁皆刻有纏枝牡丹紋,花葉橫生,繁而不亂,
13.8cm diam.                                                            富麗堂皇,加上刻工流暢,感覺優雅。

HK$250,000 - 350,000                                                    一般所見,青白刻花卉紋鮮有如此豐富,如維多利亞及阿伯特博物館
US$32,000 - 45,000                                                      的劃花牡丹紋花口盌,屬簡易線條,見Stacey Pierson著,《Qingbai
                                                                        Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties》,倫敦,
南宋/元 青白釉刻牡丹紋盌                                                           2002年,頁30-31,圖版2。故本拍品可謂難得之作。

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