Page 234 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 234

206                                                                      Ewers of this type were modelled after metal prototypes. This is
                                                                         evident by the continuation of decorative elements like the flanges and
A rare Qingbai globular ewer and cover                                   small loops on the handle and cover meant for chain attachments on
Southern Song Dynasty                                                    the original metal wares.

The lobed body decorated with a band of scrolls on the shoulder,         Although the present ewer is potted with a long curling spout and
surmounted with a tall cylindrical neck applied at the sides with short  high strap handle, like most Qingbai ewers from the Song and Yuan
flanges, with a strap handle and long curved spout at the sides,         Dynasties, the tall cylindrical neck surmounting the lobed globular
covered overall in a pale grey-blue glaze, the similarly glazed domed    body is rare. A Qingbai ewer of shorter proportions, with flanges also
cover with a small flower-bud knop.                                      in the form of floral palmettes, illustrated by Jan Wirgin, Sung Ceramic
21cm high (2).                                                           Designs, Stockholm, 1970, pl.29k, and published in Chinese Ceramics
                                                                         in the Carl Kempe Collection, The Museum of Art and Far Eastern
HK$200,000 - 300,000                                                     Antiquities in Ulricehamn, 2002, pl.721, was sold at Sotheby’s London,
US$26,000 - 39,000                                                       14 May 2008, lot 316.

南宋 青白釉執壺                                                                 執壺口沿與器蓋子母口相合,蓋面隆起,並有一鈕,直頸微微內收,



                                                                         同類例子曾著錄於Jan Wirgin編,《Sung Ceramic Designs》,斯德
                                                                         編,《Chinese Ceramics in the Carl Kempe Collection》,2002年,

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