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205                                                                    During the Southern Song to Yuan Dynasty, the decoration on Qingbai
                                                                       wares became more skillful, including bolder and more sculptural
A very rare Qingbai ‘Buddhist lion’ carved                             elements. Buddhist lions are traditionally regarded as guardians of
globular ewer                                                          Buddhist temples. Examples of lion figures in Qingbai are known, as
                                                                       discussed in Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan
Southern Song/Yuan Dynasty                                             Dynasties, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, 2002, pp.204-
                                                                       205. No similar Qingbai ewer with such lion decoration as the present
The compressed rounded body raised on a short foot, decorated          lot appears to have been published.
around the exterior with scrolling leafy stems, applied with a bird-
shaped spout on one side, the top surmounted with a recumbent          The result of C-Link Research & Development Ltd.
Buddhist lion, with an opening on its back and its tail forming the    thermoluminescence test no.2638WG01 is consistent with the dating
ewer’s handle, covered overall in a pale sky-blue glaze.               of this lot.
17cm high
HK$250,000 - 400,000
US$32,000 - 52,000                                                     水,其尾曲起成柄,直流上塑貼鳳首特徵,淺圈足。壺肩飾覆蓮花

南宋/元 青白釉刻花花卉紋卧獅壺                                                       紋,壺身劃地,上刻花花卉紋,主次分明,通體施青白釉,止於足

While Qingbai ewers typically have more elongated proportions          處。
and shapes derived from metal wares, there are examples from the
Southern Song dynasty with globular bodies. For example a Qingbai      以鳳首或龍首飾流之圓球形壺,相信其早期例子有江西縣博物館之光
globular ewer with phoenix-shaped mouth is illustrated by Stacey
Pierson in Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan        素鳳首壺,見Stacey Pierson著,《Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain
Dynasties, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, 2002, pp.128-     of the Song and Yuan Dynasties》,倫敦,2002年,頁128-129,圖
129, no.66. Another Qingbai ewer decorated with similar scrolling      版66。而有刻劃花紋之例子,可參考日本臨宇山人藏青白釉刻牡丹紋
floral leafy stems and a bird-shaped spout, formerly in the Frederick  注壺,見《古韻天成:臨 宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港、紐約及倫
M. Mayer collection, is illustrated in the exhibition catalogue The
Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics, An Exhibition of Song Treasures       敦,2012年11月22日至2014年5月14日,頁154-155,圖版64。唯兩
from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, New York, London, 22      者之壺頂分別為帽形蓋及沒蓋,據《Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain
November 2012 -14 May 2013, p.154-155, no.64.                          of the Song and Yuan Dynasties》一書之研究,青白釉塑貼獅像為典



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