Page 228 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 228


203                                                                     The combination of three fish and prawn on the present lot is
A very rare Jizhou ‘twin-fish’ painted baluster                         exceedingly rare and quite possibly unique, with no similar examples
vase, meiping                                                           apparently published.
Song Dynasty
Finely and crisply painted around the exterior in dark and light brown  The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
tones with a pair of fish, each with long scaly bodies and confronting  no.P204c2 is consistent with the dating of this lot.
a small catfish, below a finely detailed prawn and four flowers beside
the everted mouth rim, the stoneware of a pale grey tone.               瓶短頸,撇口,圓肩,下腹內斂,平底略凹。瓶胎呈淺灰色,瓶身通
20.5cm high                                                             身罩一層白色化妝土,並以褐彩繪兩條鯉魚貫穿整個瓶身,肩部一側
HK$600,000 - 800,000                                                    又繪以兩隻泥鰍,其繪畫自然灑脫,構圖生動,極具動感,實為磁州
US$77,000 - 100,000                                                     窯系褐彩裝飾產品中少有之器。

宋 吉州窯褐彩河蝦雙魚紋梅瓶                                                          此拍品經牛津鑒定公司熱釋光年法測試(測試編號P204c2),證實與

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