Page 224 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 224

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                                                                          A Cizhou brown-painted slip-decorated circular
An unusual miniature Cizhou ‘tiger’ pillow                                box and cover
Jin/Yuan Dynasty                                                          Northern Song Dynasty
                                                                          The slightly-domed cover decorated on top with scrolling leafy stems
Potted and boldly painted as a recumbent tiger with its tail swept to     in brown and black on a ground of greyish-white glaze, the shallow
the one side, the body with naturalistic black stripes on a pale orange   box similarly glazed.
ground.                                                                   11.5cm diam. (2).
10cm wide
                                                                          HK$60,000 - 100,000
HK$15,000 - 20,000                                                        US$7,700 - 13,000
US$1,900 - 2,600
                                                                          北宋 磁州窯白釉褐彩枝葉紋蓋盒
金/元 磁州窯黃地黑彩虎形小枕
Ceramic pillows were not only used in daily life but also interred with   纏枝花卉紋樣,葉片彎曲,枝葉纏繞,動感妖嬈。整器造型規整,通
the dead in tombs for the next life, along with other items for daily     體白釉,褐彩描繪裝飾,磁州窯的特點突出。
use. The miniature size of the current lot suggests it was most likely
made for burial. Tiger pillows were particularly auspicious as they were
believed to possess powers to ward off evil and help women give birth
to sons.

Full-sized tiger-shaped pillows include one illustrated in Song
Ceramics, The Muwen Tang Collection Series, Hong Kong, 2012,
pp.428-429, no.179; another exhibited at the Hong Kong Museum
of Art, illustrated in Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection, Hong
Kong, 1994, pp.362-363, no.163; and another sold at Sotheby’s New
York, 19 September 2002, lot 83.


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