Page 225 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 225

202                                                                    The present lot is part of a well-known group of brush-painted wares
A fine Cizhou brown-painted slip-decorated                             from a Cizhou kiln that was active from the Song Dynasty. A Cizhou jar
globular jar                                                           and cover in the Avery Brundage collection in the Asian Art Museum,
Northern Song Dynasty                                                  San Francisco, with a very similar freely painted flower spray and dated
The rounded body raised on a short spreading foot, freely painted      to the 11th century, is illustrated by Basil Gray, Sung Porcelain and
in brown on a white slip with three large flower sprays, the unglazed  Stoneware, London, 1984, p.112, no.89.
foot exposing the buff-coloured ware.
13cm wide                                                              The result of C-Link Research & Development Ltd.
                                                                       thermoluminescence test no.7473AD07 is consistent with the dating
HK$150,000 - 200,000                                                   of this lot.
US$19,000 - 26,000
北宋 磁州窯白釉黑花卉紋罐                                                          特色,此件小罐便在白地上,以褐彩描繪卷草花卉紋樣。整器胎質略

                                                                       金山亞洲藝術博物館藏一件Avery Brundage舊藏的宋代磁州窯小罐
                                                                       與本器類似,見Basil Gray,《Sung Porcelain and Stoneware》,倫


                                                                       the feng wen tang collection of early chinese Ceramics | 223
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