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212                                                                   1994, pp.272-273, no.118; and another in the British Museum,
An unusual Qingbai tall slender lobed ewer and                        London, illustrated in Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song
cover                                                                 and Yuan Dynasties, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, 2002,
Southern Song Dynasty                                                 pp.120-121, no.61.
The lobed body raised on a spreading foot, rising to a wide flaring
trumpet neck, with an incised band below the shoulder and incised     A related Qingbai ewer but with a wider body, was sold at Christie’s
leaf patterns on the base of the long curved spout and strap handle,  New York, 20 September 2005, lot 230.
covered overall in a translucent pale blue glaze, the concave cover
with a bud knop and similarly glazed.                                 執壺敞口外撇,束頸修長,溜肩、弧腹均作瓜棱形,底部下收,高圈
19.8cm high (2).                                                      足。器蓋中間內凹,有凸起的蓋鈕,一次有以小環用於繫繩。頸部與
HK$150,000 - 250,000                                                  留。整器造型優雅修長,通體施青白釉。
US$19,000 - 32,000
南宋 青白釉瓜棱形執壺                                                           Kerr,《Song Dynasty Ceramics》,倫敦,2004年,頁96-97,圖
Several similar Qingbai lobed ewers include one in the Victoria and   陶瓷》,香港,1994年,頁 272-273,圖118。大英博物館亦藏有類
Albert Museum, London, illustrated by Rose Kerr, Song Dynasty         似一例,見Stacey Pierson,《Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the
Ceramics, London, 2004, p.96-97, no.97; another in the Hong Kong      Song and Yuan Dynasties》,倫敦,2002年,頁120-121,圖61。拍
Museum of Art illustrated in Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection,  賣之例,見紐約佳士得曾售出一例,2005年9月20日,編號230。

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