Page 245 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 245
213 Silver and lacquer were extremely influential as design sources for
ceramics during the Song period. The form of the present lot most
A rare Qingbai ‘chrysanthemum-bud’ lobed cup likely originated from silver bracket-lobed or flower shaped cups made
Northern Song Dynasty during the Tang Dynasty. Compare with a Northern Song Dynasty
fluted dish from the British Museum, illustrated by Stacey Pierson,
The delicately potted cup raised on a short spreading foot, with Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties,
rounded steep flaring sides moulded as petals radiating from a small London, 2002, pp.80-81, no.33.
flower decorated on the centre of the interior, covered overall in an
attractive pale sky-blue glaze pooling in the recesses and away from 盌呈菊花口式,斜壁,束腰,足部往撇。每花瓣往中間集中,盌內有
the mouth rim exposing the white body. 一正面蓮花,通體施青白釉,釉質純淨,口沿部份無釉,整體感覺高
11cm diam. 雅。整器滿施青白釉,造型巧妙,青白釉在高低變化的造型中或鋪開
HK$200,000 - 300,000
US$26,000 - 39,000 同 以菊花形狀為器形的例子,有大英博物館藏花口菊花瓣碟,雖器
形略有不同,但概念一致,見Stacey Pierson著,《Qingbai Ware:
北宋 青白釉花口菊瓣盌 Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties》,倫敦,2002
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