Page 81 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 81

135                                                                       禮器一組包括綠釉博山爐一件,各式綠釉瓶四件。博山爐由爐身,爐
A group of five small green-glazed vessels                                座使香爐顯得更為穩重。整體造型仿漢代青銅博山爐造型而來,古意
Northern Qi Dynasty                                                       兩件均為長頸,壺腹造型略有不同,再一件帶有器蓋,體量較小,玲
Comprising: A pottery model of a boshanlu incense burner; a ribbed        豐滿,施釉較同類器較為均勻;整體體現淡雅雋秀。
baluster vase with a wide flat mouth rim; a compressed globular vase
with a wide flat mouth rim and cover; a slender bottle vase with tall
flaring neck; a smaller bottle vase with a flared neck, all covered in a
pale green glaze.
The tallest 18cm high (5).

HK$100,000 - 150,000
US$13,000 - 19,000

北齊 綠釉禮器一套五件

                                                                          the feng wen tang collection of early chinese Ceramics | 79
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