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136                                                                   An earlier Northern Qi or Sui Dynasty yellow-glazed alms bowl in
A rare large Xingyao shallow alms bowl and                            the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, is illustrated by Wu Tung, Earth
cover                                                                 Transformed, Chinese Ceramics in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston,
Tang Dynasty/Five Dynasties                                           Boston, 2009, pp.26-27. The author states that the form of the bowl
Elegantly potted with a compressed globular form, covered overall in  derives from metalwork, introduced to China from Persia or Central
a creamy white glaze, the plain flat cover similarly glazed.          Asia. The alms bowl, patra in Sanskrit, was originally used in Indian
17cm diam. (2).                                                       Buddhist practice as a begging bowl and water container for washing.
                                                                      In China, these bowls were made in metal as well as ceramic, with the
HK$150,000 - 200,000                                                  former used for rituals and latter versions for daily use.
US$19,000 - 26,000
                                                                      罐斂口,鼓 腹,圈足。通體施白釉,釉色白中泛青。唐代,邢窯是北
唐/五代 邢窯白釉蓋罐




                                                                      波士頓 美術館藏一件更早期的黃釉缽碗,屬北齊或隋代,器形與本

                                                                      器類似,見Wu Tung編,《Earth Transformed, Chinese Ceramics in
                                                                      the Museum of Fine Arts Boston》,波士頓,2009年,頁26-27。更


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