Page 90 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 90

139                                                                   A larger white-ware ewer with a similar lion handle, formerly in the
A fine small Xingyao white-glazed ewer                                Eumorfopoulos Collection, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum,
Tang Dynasty                                                          London, is illustrated by Stacey Pierson, Chinese Ceramics, London,
Potted with a gently tapered ovoid body raised on a short spreading   2009, p.19, no.18.
foot, the shoulder with a short spout on one side and a lion-shaped
handle on the other, covered overall in a pale greenish-white glaze.  撇口,束頸,短流,溜肩,肩部一下漸收,平底,足部微撇,壺身一
10cm high                                                             側作獅形小提梁。通身施白釉,釉不及底,露出白色胎骨。注壺小巧
HK$140,000 - 200,000
US$18,000 - 26,000

唐 邢窯白釉獅把小注壺

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