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140                                                                     Ewers for instance, were shaped as various types of birds, including
                                                                        mandarin ducks and parrots. An amber-glazed parrot-shaped ewer, is
A rare and unusual Xingyao ‘parrot-shaped’ oval                         excavated from the Jingzhishi Pagoda in Dingzhou, Hebei Province,
cup                                                                     is illustrated in Zhong guo tao qi ding ji tu dian: Chinese Ceramics
Tang Dynasty/Five Dynasties                                             Illustrated Classification, p.28, no.42.

Moulded with a large recumbent parrot forming one end, detailed         A white-glazed parrot-shaped cup dated to the Sui Dynasty, excavated
with head turned backwards, a prominent beak, beady eyes, and           from the Guanbei kiln site in Neiqiu County, now in the Hebei Provincial
naturalistically modelled feet in the interior, its wings flanking the  Institute of Archaeology is illustrated in The Research on Celadon of
sides between four moulded petals, covered overall in a thin slightly   Yue Kiln and White-glazed Porcelain of Xing Kiln, Ancient Chinese
greenish-white glaze.                                                   Ceramic Society, Beijing, p.295, pl.II. Compare with another very
14.5cm wide                                                             similar white-glazed parrot-shaped cup, discussed and illustrated by
                                                                        Mitsuru Uragami, in The 30th Anniversary of Uragami Sokyu-do, Tokyo,
HK$350,000 - 450,000                                                    2009, p.136.
US$45,000 - 58,000
唐/五代 邢窯白釉鸚鵡杯
The most famous of the high-fired ceramics of the Tang Dynasty, Xing
wares were regarded as the precursors of true porcelain.                致。

Many of the ceramics of the Tang Dynasty exhibit the incredible         此器形別緻,甚為罕見,其他例子包括有日本浦上蒼穹先生藏品,見
creativity which contemporaneous craftsmen possessed, and reflect
the cosmopolitan nature of the period’s arts and culture. Decorative    浦上蒼穹堂,《浦上蒼穹堂30周年記念》,東京,2009年,頁136。
elements, originating from foreign wares from lands further West, and   該件曾於2004年10月於日本第16回東美特別展中展出。另一件為內丘
new vessel shapes, were experimented with by innovative potters for     縣城西關北窯址出土的隋白釉鸚鵡形杯,現為河北省文物研究所藏,
markets in sophisticated metropolitan centres.

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