Page 97 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 97

142                                                                       The front-facing human head of a Central Asian man is an unusual
A rare northern Xingyao relief-moulded ‘smiling                           decoration in Chinese art which is mostly seen on Northern Qi Dynasty
mask’ bowl                                                                ceramics. Compare the face decorating a Northern Qi green-glazed
Northern Dynasties/Sui Dynasty                                            vase in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, illustrated in the
The shallow bowl decorated at the centre of the interior in relief, with  published research monograph by Suzanne G. Valenstein, Cultural
a front-facing face, moustache and beard, covered overall in a pale       Convergence in the Northern Qi Period: A Flamboyant Chinese
greenish-white glaze.                                                     Ceramic Container, New York, 2007, p.100, fig.16.
11.8cm diam.
HK$120,000 - 200,000
US$15,000 - 26,000                                                        壁光素,通體施白釉。整器造型規整,簡潔,釉色潤澤。

北朝/隋 邢窯白釉印胡人頭像盌

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                the feng wen tang collection of early chinese Ceramics | 95
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