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141                                                                 For an excavated example, see a similar white-glazed ewer excavated
A rare small Xingyao white-glazed globular ewer                     from the No.150 Tomb at Wangcun, now in the Shaanxi Institute of
Tang Dynasty                                                        Archaeology, illustrated in Zhang Bai, Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji
The oviform body raised on a short spreading foot, with a short     15:Shaanxi, Beijing, 2008, pl.59.
cylindrical spout on one side, covered inside and out in a creamy-
white glaze with slight crackles.                                   唇口,短直頸,鼓弧腹下收,圈足,肩部作一短留。通體施白釉,釉
9cm wide                                                            色潤澤。整器造型渾圓小巧,釉質白潤,是河北邢窯唐代的產品。唐
HK$50,000 - 70,000                                                  《國補史》所曰:「內丘白瓷甌,端溪紫石硯,天下無貴賤通用之」。
US$6,500 - 9,000
唐 邢窯白釉小注壺                                                           西安市王村150號墓出土一例,見張柏主編,《中國出土瓷器全集15:

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