Page 70 - Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese Works of Art December 2 2021
P. 70


           A FINE TIANHUANG CARVED ‘LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES’   印面橢圓,章鈕雕所隨形山子形,隨紅筋石形雕懸崖山石,一面有涼
           SEAL                                              亭據崖,臨水而望, 另一面雕叢林掩映籬笆茅屋,前有兩高士交談,石
           18th century                                      理蘿蔔絲清晰可見,透潤可愛。
           Carved as a small mountain with two sages walking towards a small
           cottage surrounded by trees in a continuous mountainous landscape,   此印雕刻有顯著葉鼎新風格,短樹短椏更為明顯。葉鼎新清宮內務府
           the landscape extending to another side of the seal depicted with a   檔案中有時也寫作葉頂新,為雍正、乾隆年間服務於宮廷的牙匠中的
           pavilion on a cliff above a river, the opaque stone varying in tone from   代表人物。從檔案的記載來看,他來自於江南,早在雍正四年(1726)
           yellow-orange to amber-brown, box.                就已經在內廷造辦處牙作服務,其他生平資料闕如。《清宮內務府造
           4.7cm (2 1/8in) high. (2).                        辦處檔案》曾有記載乾隆命其製作多方圖章,亦有命他磨掉舊印重新
           HKD200,000 - 300,000                              章、葉鼎新隨做收拾,有字者磨去。」見《清宮內務府造辦處檔案》,
           US$26,000 - 39,000                                〈乾隆四年各做成活計清檔:乾隆四年,鑲嵌作·正月十四日〉。風格類
           十八世紀 田黃雕山水訪友圖章                                    格與本件頗似,2014年4月8日售於香港蘇富比,拍品編號3039。

           The carving of trees and branches strongly recalls the style of the
           carving master Ye Dingxin (active in the Yongzheng and Qianlong
           periods), who was commissioned by the emperor to carve Imperial
           seals. Compare the landscape and carving with an Imperial tianbai seal
           of Qianlong, which was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 April 2014, lot

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