Page 314 - Bonhams Cornette Saint Cyr, Property from the estate of Jean-Pierre Rousset (1936-2021)
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           CUIVRE                                            Cambodge, style d’Angkor Vat, XIIe siècle
           Cambodge, style d’Angkor Vat, XIIe siècle
                                                             A COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF DEVI
           A COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF BUDDHA UNDER MUCHALINDA  Cambodia, Angkor Wat style, 12th century
           Cambodia, Angkor Wat style, 12th century          The Devi stands in a frontal position with both hands raised hold the
           The king of the nagas, Muchalinda, rose from the earth, coiling his body to  fragments of lotuses, wearing a tubular sampot defined by broad
           form a seat swelling his great hood to shelter Buddha beneath his seven-  pleats and a double-ridged fish-tail sash, stand.
           headed canopy. Buddha is wearing a short loincloth around his waist,   18cm (7 1/8in) high. (2).
           adorned with elaborate jewellery, a crown or headdress surrounding his
           hair piled high and surmounted by a conical ushnisha, his face with serene   €2,000 - 3,000
           expression, downcast eyes and hands held in his lap holding a stupa or fruit.
           18cm (7 1/8in) high.                              Provenance:
           €2,000 - 3,000                                    Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981), acquired in the 1950’s-1970’s
                                                             Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021)
           Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981), acquired in the 1950’s-1970’s  Previously attached to a larger platform of a Brahmanic triad, this figure
           Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021)            probably represents Devi, holding in each of his hands the remains of
                                                             what were likely lotus buttons. The physiognomy, the adornment and
           This iconic image of Siddartha Guatama’s pursuit of enlightenment   the sampot are indicative of the Angkor Wat style the middle of the
           shows the scene when torrential rain threatened to drown him. Few early   12th century.
           examples of this type appear to be recorded and the cult coincided with
           the rule of Jayavarman VII, who built the great royal temple at Banteay   柬埔寨 吳哥窟風格 十二世紀 銅提毘立像
           Chhmar. Embracing Buddhism with fever, he aligned himself with the
           image of the Buddha seated on a serpent, as the divine form under which   來源:
           he would be venerated. Compare with a closely related example in the   巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏,得自二十世紀五十至七十
           Eilenberg Collection, see S.E.Lee, Ancient Cambodian Sculpture, Asia   年代
           House Gallery, New, York, 1969, p.92, fig.54, and two other examples in   巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏
           G.Coedès, Bronzes Khmers, 1923, plate XXI, figs 1 and 2; and another
           sold at Christie’s New York, 20 March 2002, lot 11 and J.Menzies,
           Buddha: Radiant Awakening, Sydney, 2001, cat. no.93, pp.128–129.

           柬埔寨 吳哥窟風格 十二世紀 銅目支鄰陀龍王護佛坐像
           巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏,得自二十世紀五十至七十年代
           巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏
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