Page 371 - Bonhams Cornette Saint Cyr, Property from the estate of Jean-Pierre Rousset (1936-2021)
P. 371

A-Bämp crest, sometimes also called Koni, in
           the shape of a stylised bird, is supported by
           a rod that allowed it to be fixed in a basketry
           structure placed on the dancers’ heads.
           This type of crest was also used among the
           various subgroups related to the Bagas. They
           would have had a function in the recreational
           and post-initiatory dances of the young boys
           and were also linked to their new role as adult
           men and future husbands. See F.Lamp, Art of
           the Baga, New York, 1996.

           371                                       370
           République Démocratique du Congo
           147.5cm (57 7/8in) x 38.5cm (15 1/8in).
           €300 - 400

           Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981)
           Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021)
           La surface est richement ornée de motifs
           géométriques traditionnels exécutés suivant
           la technique dite des « velours du Kasaï ». Ce
           type d’étoffe de prestige était destiné à de
           multiples fonctions telles que tapis de siège,
           ou de sol, ou encore de dot ou de linceul.

           Democratic Republic of Congo
           The surface is richly decorated with traditional
           geometric patterns executed in the so-
           called ‘Kasai velvet’ technique. This type of
           prestigious fabric was intended for multiple
           functions such as seat or floor mats or as
           bridal dowry or shroud.                                                        371
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