Page 34 - Fine Japanese Art Auction November 2 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 34
Unsigned KOMACHI
Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)
Japan, early 19th century, Edo period
A compact wood netsuke of a snarling tiger, quite unusual in its (1615-1868)
appearance and dynamic. One paw is placed in front and the body
bends around as it lets out a humorously insecure snarl. The thick
tail curls around almost touching its ear. Neatly incised fur with The poetess is standing and holding a
expressed tiger stripes, and the paws on the underside are very cane and tattered hat in front of her. Her
well-carved. Natural himotoshi through the two right legs which are expression is very well carved, signifying
tucked together. Fine patina and good color to the wood. wisdom but also showing her great age,
with masterfully carved facial features and
HEIGHT 3.6 cm wrinkles. She is wearing a kimono, revealing
her chest and emaciated rib cage. Her long
Condition: Excellent condition. hair is finely carved and tied at the back.
Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection. Another fine detail is her tattered robe,
with a torn section at the bottom flowing
Estimate EUR 2.000,- downwards to her feet. Large and worn
Starting price EUR 1.000,- himotoshi through the backside, separated
by her obi, above the signature MASAYOSHI
؈ྪ. It is evident that this netsuke was used
and worn, very much fitting to this subject of
the old and worn-out Komachi.
Condition: Good, worn condition. One thin
age crack by the side and small nicks, adding
very much to the appeal of the netsuke. The
himotoshi are worn.
Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection.
31 | MIWA: A RARE WOOD NETSUKE OF CHAJIN Ono no Komachi was one of the great six
poets of the ninth century (also referred
%\ 0LZD Ζ <XNDQ VLJQHG 0LZD ZLWK NDNLKDQ to as the Rokkasen). Not only was she
Japan, Edo, mid-18th century, Edo period (1615-1868) an incredibly talented poetess, but also
celebrated for her beauty and vibrancy in
her youth. Later in life she became old and is
A rare netsuke from the pioneer of netsuke carving in Tokyo/Edo. often depicted begging for food on the side
Depicted is a seated Chajin (tea ceremony master) holding a tea jar of the road. Her beauty had faded, and she
in his lap. He is almost completely enveloped in his robe and has a became a symbol for the evanescence of life.
powerful expression, enigmatic, earthly and unusual – idiosyncratic
RI WK FHQWXU\ 0LZD %HDXWLIXO SDWLQD RI WKH ZRRG ZKLFK VHHPV It is unclear which Masayoshi is the carver
to be finished with a thin coat of lacquer. Large, generous of this netsuke. It is possible that this is
himotoshi on the underside next to the signature MIWA Ɓڿ and an early work of the famous metalworker
characteristic kakihan, identifying this as Miwa I. Iwama Masayoshi (1763-1837), due to the
peculiarity of the Masa ؈ kanji.
HEIGHT 3.4 cm
Estimate EUR 3.000,-
Condition: Excellent condition with stunning patina. Starting price EUR 1.500,
Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection. Probably acquired at
Lempertz, 28 November 1986, no. 656.
Estimate EUR 1.500,-
Starting price EUR 750,-
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