Page 35 - Fine Japanese Art Auction November 2 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 35

                                                                                                                                                                                                    URASHIMA TARO WITH TURTLE

                                                                                                                                                                                               %\ 6KRNR  VLJQHG 6KRNR
                                                                                                                                                                                               Japan, Takayama, Hida school, 19th century, Edo period
                                                                                                                                                                                               Published: Lazarnick, George, Netsuke and Inro Artists,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Honolulu 1982, p. 967.
                                                                                                            33  |   HIDEHISA: A RARE WOOD NETSUKE OF A THIEF
                                                                                                                  STEALING THE MAGIC TANUKI KETTLE
                                                                                                                                                                                               Finely carved from wood with darkened and accentuated areas,
                                                                                                            %\ +LGHKLVD  VLJQHG +LGHKLVD  6KXN\X                                               depicting Urashima Taro holding a large gourd filled with sake
                                                                                                            Japan, early 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)                                  and offering it, in a sakazuki cup, to a little turtle crawling over
                                                                                                                                                                                               his shoulder. Urashima is nursing the turtle back to health with
                                                                                                            Published: Lazarnick, George, Netsuke and Inro Artists,                            sake, the drink of the immortals. Very finely carved details such as
                                                                                                            Honolulu 1982, p. 458.                                                             the turtle’s carapace, Urashima’s hair, his sandals and the straw
                                                                                                                                                                                               apron – surely an allusion to the minogame (straw raincoat turtle).
                                                                                                                                                                                               %RWK KDYH PLQXWHO\ LQODLG H\HV RI GDUN KRUQ  1DWXUDO KLPRWRVKL
                                                                                                            A lightly stained, finely carved and expressive wood netsuke                       and signature on the underside SHOKO ֿ֟. A pupil of Matsuda
                                                                                                            GHSLFWLQJ WKH OHJHQG RI WKH %XPEXNX &KDJDPD  EDGJHU WHD NHWWOH                     Sukenaga.
                                                                                                            According to Japanese folklore a poor man sets a tanuki free, which
                                                                                                            in return transforms into a kettle, so that the man can perform with               HEIGHT 4.2 cm
                                                                                                            it on the street and become wealthy. This netsuke is quite unusual,
                                                                                                            as instead of being shown happy or surprised (as usually depicted),                Condition: Excellent condition, very appealing patina.
                                                                                                            the man is quite possessive of the tanuki, fiercely grabbing on to it.             Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection.
                                                                                                            The man is a thief, who is trying to steal the magic kettle and enrich
                                                                                                            himself. The front is inscribed ‘Toyo Fuku’ (great fortune), which the             According to legend Urashima Taro saved a little minogame
                                                                                                            man is trying to acquire. Angular himotoshi in the back. Signature                 (straw-raincoat turtle) from an ill fate, which subsequently turned
                                                                                                            on the reverse on the left leg of the thief in a wavy reserve                      out to be the daughter of the dragon king. The next day a giant
                                                                                                            HIDEHISA (Shukyu) ল΅.                                                              turtle appeared and brought Urashima to the underwater palace
                                                                                                                                                                                               of the dragon god. Urashima stayed there for a few days and
                                                                                                            HEIGHT 4.4 cm                                                                      received a box and was told not to open it. When he returned,
                                                                                                                                                                                               everyone he knew was gone and everything had changed, so in his
                                                                                                            Condition: Good condition. Some plugged sections in the wood.                      bewilderment he opened the box and suddenly turned into an old
                                                                                                            Very attractive patina.                                                            man. He then heard a whisper from the sea telling him he was told
                                                                                                            Provenance: The Gabor Wilhelm Collection.                                          not to open the box, in it was his old age…
                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 3.000,-                                                               Estimate EUR 4.000,-
                                                                                                            Starting price EUR 1.500,-                                                         Starting price EUR 2.000,-

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