Page 18 - Roger Kaverne Moving On part 2 Bonhams UK June 7, 2021
P. 18


           TWO EARLY PAINTED POTTERY VESSELS                 Provenance: Mayuyama and Co., Tokyo
           Neolithic Period, Gansu/Yangshao Culture          Kochukyo Ltd., Japan.
           The first a large storage jar, the sloping upper body and cylindrical   Christie’s New York, 22 March 2007, lot 242
           neck painted in black and dark red with sweeping spirals, the sides
           applied with two loop handles, 26.2cm (10 2/8in) high; the second, a   Published and Illustrated: Sueji Umehara, Nihon shucho shina kodo
           bowl of compressed globular body and short tapering neck, decorated  seika, vol.3, Yamanaka shokai, 1961, no.299 (top).
           with geometric patterns, 20.2cm (8in) wide.  (2).  Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2007, no.1.

           £1,000 - 1,500                                    來源:東京古董商繭山龍泉堂
           CNY9,100 - 14,000                                 東京古董商壺中居

           Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價
           新石器時代,甘肅/仰韶文化 陶罐 一組兩件                             Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2002年,編號71

                                                             The pictogram consists of an inverted arrowhead rendered in fine,
           428                                               raised lines.
           Late Shang Dynasty                                The diamond-and-boss decoration on the present lot is very rare
           The vessel with a deep U-shaped body rising from three spreading   on jue vessels, and is usually found on gui or yu. See for example,
           triangular blade legs to a pointed rim opposite a guttered spout flanked  yu vessels with this decoration illustrated by R.Bagley, Shang Ritual
           by a pair of posts capped with conical ‘fire-whorl’ medallions, the   Bronzes in the Arthur M.Sackler Collections, pp.504-509, nos.98 and
           exterior boldly cast with studs evenly spaced within a diamond pattern,  99, where it is noted that ‘yu with diamond-and-boss decoration,
           one side set with a loop handle, a pictogram under the handle,   probably an invention of Anyang foundries..., enjoyed an extraordinary
           Japanese wood box.                                vogue with predynastic Zhou casters and continued in fashion for a
           17cm (6 3/4in) high. (2).                         short time after the Zhou conquest.’

           £12,000 - 15,000                                  See a similar bronze inscribed jue, late Shang dynasty, which was sold
           CNY110,000 - 140,000                              at Bonhams London, 5 November 2020, lot 3.

           Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

           商晚期 青銅乳釘紋爵

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           16  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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