Page 14 - Roger Kaverne Moving On part 2 Bonhams UK June 7, 2021
P. 14

                                                             A RARE ARCHAIC SPINACH-GREEN JADE AXE BLADE, GE
                                                             Neolithic Period
                                                             The rectangular blade tapering towards the pierced handle with a
                                                             hafting hole to the upper section, flaring slightly towards the cutting
                                                             edge, the stone of spinach-green tone with cloudy white and russet
                                                             flecks and inclusions.
                                                             18cm (7 1/8in) long.

                                                             £2,000 - 3,000
                                                             CNY18,000 - 27,000
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             新石器時代 玉戈

                                                             Provenance: Densmore, Paris, 1947
                                                             Henri Michel (1885-1981), and thence by descent
                                                             Christie’s London, 11 May 2016, lot 298

                                                             Henri Michel(1885-1981)舊藏,並由後人保存

                                                             See a related jade axe-blade, Neolithic period, in the collection of the
                                                             National Museum of History, Taipei, illustrated by J.Johnston and Chan
                                                             Lai Pik, 5,000 Years of Chinese Jade, Taipei, 2011, no.9; see another
                                                             example in the Illustrated Catalogue of Ancient Jade Artefacts in the
                                                             National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1982, no.23.

                                                             THREE SETS OF ARCHAIC JADE TRIPLE-CRESCENT-SHAPED
                                                             PLAQUES, HUANG
                                                             Western Zhou Dynasty
                                                             Each plaque of flat arc shape, with holes drilled at both ends, the stone
                                                             of pale green tone with faint black and brown inclusions.
                                                             The largest plaque, 13cm (5 1/8in) long. (9).
           422                                               £1,000 - 1,500
                                                             CNY9,100 - 14,000

                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             西周 玉璜三組 共九件

                                                             See a similar set of three arc-shaped pendants, Western Zhou dynasty,
                                                             illustrated by J.Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing,
                                                             London, 1995, p.158, no.7:9. See also one in the in the collection of
                                                             the National Museum of History, Taiwan, illustrated by J.Johnston and
                                                             Chan Lai Pik, 5,000 Years of Chinese Jade, San Antonio, 2011, no.11.

                                                             AN ARCHAIC GREEN AND RUSSET JADE DISC, BI
                                                             Warring States Period/Han Dynasty
                                                             Each side carved in low relief with ‘comma’ spirals within an hexagonal
                                                             grid pattern between plain inner and outer borders, the translucent
                                                             green stone with russet inclusions and veins.
                                                             12.5cm (4 6/8in) diam.
                                                             £1,500 - 2,000
                                                             CNY14,000 - 18,000
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             戰國/漢 穀紋玉璧

                                                             Compare with a similar disc, bi, of larger size (17.2cm), Warring States
                                                             period, illustrated by Yang Boda, Chinese Archaic Jades from the
                                                             Simon Kwan Collection, Hong Kong, 1994, no.197.

                                                             See a similar greyish-green jade bi disc, Warring States period/Han
                                                             dynasty, which was sold at Christie’s New York, 19-20 September
                                                             2013, lot 1730.
                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           12  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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