Page 10 - Roger Kaverne Moving On part 2 Bonhams UK June 7, 2021
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Roger Keverne at Spink in about 1972 Roger Keverne at Grosvenor House, late 1970s, with Gerard Hawthorn, Brian Morgan,
約1972年,Roger Keverne在古董商Spink Richard Marchant, Paul Moss, David Freedman, Richard Barker and Paul Champkins
二十世紀七十年代末,Roger Keverne與Gerard Hawthorn、Richard Marchant、Paul
Moss、David Freedman、Richard Barker、及Paul Champkins等英國古董商在格羅夫納大宅
Roger Keverne Ltd: Moving On
Generosity of spirit, warmth, a great sense of humour, Keverne counted Royal patrons amongst his clients, including
superb storytelling, love of culture and tremendous thirst for Gustav VI Adolf, King of Sweden, as well as counselling
knowledge - both to learn and to impart - are some of the first Sir Geoffrey de Bellaigue, Director of the Royal Collection
things that come to mind when thinking of Roger Keverne. and Surveyor of The Queen’s Works of Art. Other illustrious
An avid tennis player, formidable at 75, it is rather extraordinary collectors among his clients were John D. Rockefeller III and
to consider that Roger has accumulated six decades of subsequently David Rockefeller, Florence and Herbert Irving
experience in Chinese art, most of them at the very top of the (who generously donated much of their collection to the
‘game’. Keverne, the younger child of a Yorkshire coal-mining Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), Gerald Arnhold (part
engineer, began his nearly 60-year career of dealing in Chinese of this collection is now exhibited in the Oriental Museum,
art with the venerable Spink & Son Ltd, Crown medallists and Durham University), Mrs Alfred Clark, T.T. Tsui, Muneichi Nitta,
antique dealers in London, where he quickly rose to head the Edward T. Chow, T.Y. Chao, Soame Jenyns, Sir John Woolf
Asian departments by the age of only 28. In 1992 Keverne and Sir Michael Butler. As a governor of Compton Verney
decided to leave Spink to start his own business together with House Trust (one of the top three collections of early Chinese
Miranda Clarke, his wife and business partner, who, following bronzes in Europe), he advised Sir Peter Moores in the
spells at S.G. Warburg and Reuters, joined Spink in 1984. formation of the important Chinese archaic bronze collection,
including the purchase of the famous Albright-Knox fangjia for
At the basis of the superb exhibitions held both in their London US$8.104 million.
gallery and abroad, were numerous hours spent in meticulous
research in their extensive library, visits to collections and
museums around the world and, importantly, hands-on
experience of inspecting and making judgement on many
thousands of objects. These efforts culminated in the 40
catalogues published over the years, which demonstrate the
remarkable breadth and depth of Roger Keverne Ltd, dealing
in objects from the Neolithic Period to the late Qing Dynasty,
in many categories from archaic bronzes, jades, ceramics,
cloisonné and painted enamel, lacquer, wood, bamboo, ivory,
sculpture, to soapstone and hardstone carvings.