Page 11 - Roger Kaverne Moving On part 2 Bonhams UK June 7, 2021
P. 11
Roger Keverne with Sir Peter Moores and H.R.H. Prince Charles at Compton Roger Keverne and Miranda Clarke
Verney House Trust Roger Keverne與Miranda Clarke伉儷
Roger Keverne與英國富商、收藏家Peter Moores爵士、及查理斯王子在
Compton Verney莊園博物館
Setting the highest professional standards was always In their own words:
an aim Roger Keverne strived for. He is the editor of the
authoritative book Jade published in 1991 and has delivered It would of course be nice to have a good result but we do
many lectures on Chinese art. He worked tirelessly to hope there are some things that are not expensive and that
maintain the highest standards in trade in Chinese art, people will be encouraged that they may be able to acquire
serving twice as Chairman of ‘Asian Art in London’, as well what they like at an advantageous price. If they do pay a higher
as on the vetting committees of a number of important price, we hope that they will feel comfortable that they have
international art fairs in London, New York, Brussels, Paris acquired something special that enhances their collection
and Hong Kong, and most recently as President of BADA and that they enjoy. If dealers are tempted to buy, we hope
(the British Antique Dealers’ Association). that they will do well when they come to sell. One of the
reasons for a No-Reserve sale was the hope that there will
Making a living from the subject one is passionate about is a be opportunities for younger collectors and dealers. Prices
privilege, yet at the same time it is a heavier burden, having for Chinese art have risen dramatically since Roger began
to make the right judgement, in authenticating, assessing dealing, and we are aware that it is harder to begin collecting
the condition of each object, as well as its rarity and cultural and dealing now unless you have considerable resources – we
and historical context, all concluding in a financial decision to hope that this might encourage others to begin and continue
buy or not and at what price to sell. It is, therefore, arguably on this ever enjoyable journey.
counterintuitive for Roger and Miranda to have made the
momentous decision to offer the entire contents of Roger The gallery on the second floor at 16 Clifford St, Mayfair,
Keverne Ltd, numbering over 800 objects acquired over the closed in the summer of 2020, with Roger and Miranda
past three decades at No Reserve. moving on; from London to the beautiful English countryside,
from being dealers to collectors, with their love of Chinese art
remaining undiminished, to live with and enjoy.
Asaph Hyman