Page 26 - Roger Kaverne Moving On part 2 Bonhams UK June 7, 2021
P. 26

                                                             FOUR EARLY POTTERY VESSELS
                                                             Comprising a large green-glazed tripod cylindrical incense burner,
                                                             lian, Han dynasty, heavily potted standing on three short stocky legs,
                                                             all under an attractively-iridescent irregular silvery-green glaze, 20cm
                                                             (8in) diam.; a dark-green-glazed oval ‘ear cup’, Han dynasty, 12.5cm
                                                             (5in) long; a Gansu red pottery deep bowl, Neolithic period, 14.5cm
                                                             (5 3/4in) diam.; and a small black pottery pear-shaped jar and a cover
                                                             with high looped finial, Neolithic period, 10cm (4in) high. (5).
                                                             £800 - 1,200
                                                             CNY7,200 - 11,000
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             新石器時期至漢 陶器 一組四件

                                                             Provenance: Professor Peter H. Plesch (1918-2013) and Mrs Traudi
                                                             Plesch OBE (1922-2013) (ear cup)

                                                             Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter
                                                             Exhibition, London, 2006, no.23 (red pottery bowl)
                                                             Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2013, no.17 (jar)

                                                             來源:英國Peter H. Plesch教授(1918-2018)與大英帝國官佐勳章
                440                                          獲勳人Traudi Plesch(1922-2013)伉儷舊藏(耳盃)
                                                             展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2006年,
                                                             Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2013年,編號17

                                                             The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
                                                             no.C106w20 dated 4 September 2006, is consistent with the dating of
                                                             this lot - (pottery bowl).
                                                             The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
                                                             no.C113d84 dated 1 May 2013, is consistent with the dating of this lot
                                                             - (black pottery vessel and cover).

                                                             Oxford Authentication Ltd公司熱釋光檢測結果(2006年9月4日,編號
                                                             C106w20)顯示年代與本拍品年代一致。- (陶盌)
                                                             Oxford Authentication Ltd公司熱釋光檢測結果(2013年5月1日,編號
                                                             C113d84)顯示年代與本拍品年代一致。 - (黑陶蓋罐)

                                                             For a related red pottery bowl, see Origins of Chinese Civilization:
                                                             Cultural Relics from Henan Province, Hong Kong, 2002, no.7.

                                                             A PAIR OF LARGE GREY POTTERY VASES AND COVERS, HU,
                                                             AND A POTTERY COCOON JAR
                                                             Han Dynasty
                                                             The grey vases each rising from a high, stepped foot to a large
                                                             globular body and waisted neck with flaring rim, each applied with
                                                             a pair of taotie-mask ring handles on the shoulders, and with three
                                                             channelled bands across the body, with domed covers, the tallest,
                                                             56cm (22in) high; the cocoon jar of compressed ovoid shape and
                                                             incised with vertical string bands, 38cm (15in) wide. (5).
                                                             £2,000 - 3,000
                                                             CNY18,000 - 27,000
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             漢 灰陶蓋壺一對 及陶繭形壺 一組三件

                                                             Provenance: with a label dated 26 November 1993 (the cocoon jar)
                                                             Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer
                                                             Exhibition, London, 2003, no.30 (hu vases)

                                                             展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2003年,

                                                             The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
                               441                           no.C102r73 dated 23 July 2002, is consistent with the dating of this
                                                             lot. (one vase)

                                                             Oxford Authentication Ltd公司熱釋光檢測結果(2002年7月23日,

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           24  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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