Page 28 - Roger Kaverne Moving On part 2 Bonhams UK June 7, 2021
P. 28

                                                             THREE GREEN-GLAZED POTTERY ‘FARM’ MODELS
                                                             Han Dynasty
                                                             Comprising a circular sheep enclosure, 20cm (8in) diam.; a rectangular
                                                             pigsty with a sow feeding its young, 18cm (7in) wide; and a circular
                                                             well supporting an an amphora on its edge, 22cm (8 7/8in) high. (3).
                                                             £1,000 - 1,500
                                                             CNY9,100 - 14,000
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             漢 綠釉陶製農具 一組三件

                                                             Published, Illustrated and Exhibited:
                                                             Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2002, no.33 (the

                                                             展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,

                                                             The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
                                                             no.P106p30 dated 27 June 2006, is consistent with the dating of this
                                                             lot. (circular sheep enclosure)

                                                             Oxford Authentication Ltd公司熱釋光檢測結果(2006年6月27日,
                      445                                    編號P106p30)顯示年代與本拍品年代一致。(陶羊圈)

                                                             A similar example of a pigsty is illustrated in Homage to Heaven,
                                                             Homage to Earth: Chinese Treasures of the Royal Ontario Museum,
                                                             Toronto, 1992, p.128, no.71, where it is noted that ‘pigs sometimes
                                                             suckling their young were the first farm animals to appear consistently
                                                             in the tombs of north China’.
                                                             A GREY POTTERY MODEL OF A ROOFED WELLHEAD AND A
                                                             GREY POTTERY BEAR-SHAPED LAMP BASE
                                                             Han Dynasty
                                                             The well-head of rectangular shape with a platform at the front,
                                                             impressed with panels of figures, a goat, foliate and geometric
                                                             designs, with four later wood supports and a simulated tiled roof,
                                                             24cm (9 1/2in) wide; the ‘bear’ vessel of domed form with a short
                                                             cylindrical neck, carved in relief in the form of a seated bear, 16.5cm
                                                             (6 1/2in) high. (6).
                                                             £1,500 - 2,000
                                                             CNY14,000 - 18,000
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             漢 陶井亭 及陶立熊燈座 各一
                                                             Published, Illustrated and Exhibited:
                                                             Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2003, no.32
                                                             (the well).
                                                             展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2003年,

                                                             See a related well-head, Han dynasty, illustrated by R.D.Jacobsen,
                                                             Celestial Horses & Long-sleeve Dancers: The David W. Dewey
                                                             Collection of Ancient Chinese Tomb Sculpture, Minneapolis, 2013,
                                                             A RARE TURQUOISE-INLAID GILT-BRONZE BELT HOOK
                                                             Warring States/Han Dynasty
                                                             Cast with a central writhing chilong, terminating at each end with a
                                                             mythical-beast head, the reverse with a round knob, finely inlaid with
                                                             turquoise stones, box. 21cm (8 1/4in) long. (2).
           446                                               £2,000 - 3,000
                                                             CNY18,000 - 27,000

                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             戰國/漢 銅鎏金嵌綠松石螭龍紋帶鉤

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           26  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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