Page 143 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 143


TWO VERY RARE LIME-GREEN ENAMELLED                                          清雍正  蔥綠釉印芝壽海水紋盤兩件  
YONGZHENG SIX-CHARACTER MARKS IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE                            右盤:倫敦 Marchant,2005 年
WITHIN DOUBLE CIRCLES AND OF THE PERIOD (1723-1735)                         左盤:B. and V. Lake 珍藏,藏品編號 202;倫敦 The Antique
                                                                            Porcelain Co. Ltd(根據標籤)
Each dish is finely moulded on the interior with a Shou medallion
                                                                            本拍品其中一盤貼有「B. and V. Lake Collection」標籤,有可能是指英
encircled by cresting waves and lingzhi, the exterior with a band of        國 Brigadier Lake 伉儷,他們於 1940 年代末至 1950 年代初為倫敦東方陶
                                                                            瓷學會的活躍成員,主要透過 Bluett’s 及 Sparks 蒐集藏品。
waves around the foot, covered overall with a bright lime-green
enamel with the exception of the reign mark on the base.                    蔥綠釉是雍正晚期、乾隆早期研製的新釉色,在鉛黃釉中加入銅,再混
6 ¡ in. (16.3) cm. and 6 Ω in. (16.1 cm.) diam., box            (2)        險,故蔥綠釉器燒造時間不長,存世量不多(可參考柯玫瑰著,《Chinese
                                                                            Cearmics: Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911》,倫敦,1986 年,
HK$900,000-1,200,000  US$120,000-160,000                                   91 頁)。


Dish on the right: Marchant, London, 2005
Dish on the left: B. and V. Lake Collection, no. 202; The Antique
Porcelain Co. Ltd, London (according to labels)

The B. and V. Lake Collection, as indicated in the collection label on
one of the current dishes, may possibly refer to the collection of Mr. and
Mrs. Brigadier Lake of Wendlebury House, who were active members
of the Oriental Ceramic Society in the late 1940s to early 1950s and
acquired pieces mainly through London dealers Bluett’s and Sparks.

The auspicious design moulded on the current dishes is extremely rare.
These dishes were further applied with the attractive bright lime-green
enamel which was only developed during the Yongzheng and early
Qianlong period. According to Rose Kerr in Chinese Cearmics: Porcelain
of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911, London, 1986, p. 91, this uncommon
enamel was only produced for a short duration because it was very
difficult and dangerous toproduce. It was achieved by adding copper
to the bright yellow lead-antimony enamel, and opacifying the mixture
with added zinc.

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