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P. 150



A RARE DEHUA STANDING FIGURE OF                                           晚明  德化白釉觀音立像  《何朝宗》印款

GUANYIN                                                                   來源
MING DYNASTY, 16TH-EARLY 17TH CENTURY, IMPRESSED                          香港蘇富比,1981 年 5 月 19 日,拍品 464 號
                                                                          S. Marchant & Son,倫敦
HE CHAOZONG MARK                                                          東南亞私人珍藏

The deity is elegantly modelled standing on a domed base                  著錄
modelled as swirling waves. Finely detailed, the eyes are downcast        M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre,《Qing Porcelain》,倫敦,
with lips gently indented to provide a benevolent expression.             1987 年,彩色圖版 335
Dressed in a voluminous robe, the figure is adorned with a                S. Marchant & Son,《Blanc De Chine》,倫敦,1994 年,
bejewelled necklace spanning her chest, her hair is swept behind          圖版 3 號及封面
a diadem and partially hidden under a cowl. The figure’s back is
impressed with the maker’s seal mark, ‘He Chaozong’ within a              此尊觀音背上印葫蘆框「何朝宗」款,雕工鉅細靡遺,神情莊嚴,令人
double-gourd outline.                                                     生敬慕之情;衣袍隨風飄曳,皺褶流暢自然,逼真靈動,為晚明德化窯
12 º in. (31 cm.) high, box                                               中不可多得的佳作。

HK$3,500,000-4,500,000  US$460,000-580,000                               何朝宗為德化窯最著名的瓷雕大師,其生卒年雖不詳,但活躍時期應不
                                                                          晚於 16 世紀,相關討論見柯玫瑰撰文〈Introductory Remarks on Dehua
PROVENANCE                                                                Ware〉,載於《Blanc de Chine:Porcelain from Dehua,A Catalogue of
                                                                          the Hickley Collection,Singapore》,英國,2002 年,10 頁。
Edward T. Chow Collection
Sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 19 May 1981, lot 464                         何朝宗的款識有兩種形式,一為方框,一為如此尊觀音上的葫蘆框。何
S. Marchant & Son, London                                                 氏不同的款識樣式,可參考 P. J. Donnelly 著《Blanc De Chine》,紐約,
                                                                          1967 年,355-6 頁。同樣印有何朝宗葫蘆框款識的可見福建省博物館藏
LITERATURE                                                                的一尊觀音像,載於《德化瓷》,香港大學馮平山博物館,1990 年,圖
                                                                          版 101 號及封面;及香港佳士得 2014 年 11 月 26 日拍賣的一尊達摩立像,
M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre, Qing Porcelain, Thames and                   拍品 3120 號;及 R. Wagner 舊藏的一尊佛陀坐像及蓮座,2015 年 12 月
Hudson, London, 1987, col. pl. 335                                        2 日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品 2912 號。
S. Marchant & Son, Blanc De Chine, London, 1994, no. 3 (front

The present figure is one of a small group from the Dehua kilns
bearing the seal impression of the celebrated potter, He Chaozong.
As his dates are unrecorded, He Chaozong was previously thought
to have worked in the first half of the 17th century. Recent research
has revealed that he was already active in the 16th century and some
Chinese scholars even believe him to have been active as early as 1522
(see R. Kerr, ‘Introductory Remarks on Dehua Ware, in John Ayers, Rose
Kerr, et al., Blanc de Chine: Porcelain from Dehua, A Catalogue of the
Hickley Collection, Singapore, Richmond, UK, 2002, p. 10).

A number of known variations of the impressed He Chaozong potter’s
mark are published in P. J. Donnelly, Blanc De Chine, New York, 1967,
pp. 355-356, either in a square format or within a double-gourd outline,
as in the case of the present figure. Compare with a Dehua figure of
Guanyin with a similar mark within a double-gourd, included in the
exhibition, Dehua Wares, Fung Ping Shan Museum of The University of
Hong Kong, 1990, and illustrated in the Catalogue, no. 101, and on the
front cover; and a standing figure of Damo formerly from the Joachim
Schlotterbeck Collection sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 26 November
2014, lot 3120. For one impressed with a square mark, compare to
a figure of Buddha seated on a lotus platform, formerly from the
collection of R. Wagner, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 2 December
2015, lot 2912.

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