Page 232 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 232



     A RARE ARABIC-INSCRIBED BRONZE INCENSE SET                              The Islamic inscrptions on these vessels may be translated as follows:
                                                                             ‘there is no God but Allah’ (censer), ‘glory be to God’ (vase), ‘all praise is
     MING DYNASTY, POSSIBLY OF THE ZHENGDE PERIOD (1506-1521)                due to God’ (box).

     The incense set is comprised of a tripod li censer cast with a          Incense burning served not only religious purposes, but also had more
                                                                             practical functions such as the fumigation of clothes. From the Song
     Zhengde four-character seal mark, a bottle vase with two loop           dynasty onwards, censers became an increasingly important element
                                                                             in the scholar’s studio as the burning of incense was thought to
     handles, and a circular box and cover, all decorated with Arabic        enhance the clarity of mind. The standard scholar’s incense garniture
                                                                             comprising a censer, tool vase and box, such as the present example,
     inscriptions reserved on fine ring-punched grounds. The metal has       was developed in the Ming dynasty.

     a warm reddish-brown patina.                                            The present incense set decorated with Arabic writings is often
                                                                             associated with the Zhengde reign (1506-1521), when Arabic inscription
     The censer: 3 ¬ in. (9.3 cm.) high; the vase: 6 ¬ in. (16.8 cm.) high;  became a popular decorative motif on imperial porcelain. The majority
                                                                             of the Arabic inscriptions are religious or philosophical in content and
     4 ¬ in. (11.5 cm.) diam., Japanese wood boxes                    (3)   many of these are quotations from the Qur’an, such as that on the blue
                                                                             and white porcelain table screen in the collection of Sir Percival David,
     HK$1,500,000-2,500,000       US$200,000-320,000                        the inscription on which comes from Surat al Jinn (LXXII) (illustrated by
                                                                             R. Scott in Elegant Form and Harmonious Decoration – Four Dynasties
     PROVENANCE                                                              of Jingdezhen Porcelain, London, 1992, p. 70, no. 68). A number of other
                                                                             inscriptions are secular and either indicate the item’s functionality, such
     A Japanese private collection, acquired in the 1990s                    as ‘pen rest’, or are mottoes, such as ‘Strive for excellence in penmanship,
                                                                             for it is one of the keys of livelihood.’ It is believed that these porcelain
     明  或為正德  銅阿拉伯文爐瓶盒三事                                                     pieces were produced under the influence of powerful Muslim eunuchs
                                                                             in the imperial court. It is interesting to note that incense burnning was
     來源                                                                      also a popular practice among Muslims in their religious ceremonies.
     日本私人珍藏,入藏於 1990 年代
                                                                             A very similar incense set is illustrated by Liu Xirong, Zhongding
     款識                                                                      mingxiang (3): Rongzhai qinggong zhenshang, Beijing, 2013, pp. 94-95.
     爐:「正德年製」四字篆書款                                                           Compare also an Arabic-inscribed tool vase and an Arabic-inscribed
                                                                             box and cover, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, Drawn by the Senses, 26
                                                                             November 2014, lots 2911 and 2912.

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