Page 230 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 230



     A VERY RARE BLUE AND WHITE ‘KORANIC-                                          The decoration on the current box is characteristic of the porcelains
                                                                                   bearing Arabic or Persian inscriptions, although boxes are rare. It is
     VERSE’ QUATREFOIL BOX AND COVER                                               interesting to note that the neatly painted scrolls which surround the
                                                                                   square panel on the top of the lid of the current box are of identical
     ZHENGDE SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE WITHIN A                        form to those which surround the square inscription panel on the David
                                                                                   table screen, mentioned above. The treatment of the foot of the box
     DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1506-1521)                                   with carefully conceived scrolls is also typical of fine Zhengde wares,
                                                                                   since it is painted in such a way as to suggest that the box stands on
     The cover is painted to the top with a square cartouche enclosing a           feet, rather than a solid base – thereby lightening the visual impression
     rhombus inscribed inside with an Arabic or Persian script denoting            of a stable object with a low centre of gravity. This treatment of a solid
     one of the 99 names of Allah, encircled by four detached ruyi-                base can be seen on many inscribed scholar’s objects in this period,
     scrolls; the sides with a band of separate ruyi clouds. The box is            including a pen box with cover, and an ink slab and cover in the British
     decorated to the sides with a row of bosses, above the stepped base           Museum (see J. Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the British Museum,
     decorated with a ruyi-scroll.                                                 London, 2000, pp. 194-195, nos. 8:5 and 8:6).
     4 º in. (10.8 cm.) diam., box
                                                                                   The combination of the bold dots on the sides of the base of the
     HK$300,000-500,000            US$39,000-65,000                               box, and the larger bean-shaped elements on the sides of the lid is
                                                                                   effective and not unexpected. The same combination of elements
     PROVENANCE                                                                    can be seen around the neck of a Zhengde tripod censer formerly in
                                                                                   the Eumorfopoulos Collection, and illustrated by R.L. Hobson in The
     A Japanese private collection                                                 Eumorfopoulos Collction, London, 1925-28, D. 20. Similar bold dots can
                                                                                   also be seen on the legs of a Zhengde saucer for a holy water bowl in
     明正德  青花回回文海棠式蓋盒                                                               the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing (illustrated in Underglaze
                                                                                   Blue and White Porcelain with Underglaze Red (II), The Complete
        雙圈六字楷書款                                                                   Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 2000, p.
                                                                                   86, no. 80). The scroll elements on the collar just above the legs of the
     來源                                                                            saucer form an outline of the same shape as the bean-shaped motifs
     日本私人收藏                                                                        on the current box.

     Boxes of this type are very rare, with only a few known in international      The fact that this Zhengde box is lobed adds to its rarity, and the
     collections. Indeed, only one other box of this lobed form appears to         quality of the porcelain, the cobalt blue and the painting all suggest
     be known. A box of the same shape, and with identical treatment               that it may have been made specifically for one of the powerful Muslim
     of the sides of the lid and base, as well as the top of the lid, is in the    court eunuchs, although the emperor himself was also drawn towards
     collection of the National Museum of China (illustrated in Studies of the     foreign scripts and an eastern Turkish merchant who visited China in
     Collections of the National Museum of China, Ming Porcelain, Shanghai,        the early 16th century suggested that the emperor may have converted
     2007, pl. 64) (fig. 1). The majority of the inscriptions in Arabic are        to Islam. This, however, is not confirmed by any Chinese sources.
     religious or philosophical in content and many of these are quotations
     from the Qur’an, like that on the table screen in the collection of Sir
     Percival David, the inscription on which comes from Surat al Jinn (LXXII)
     (illustrated by R. Scott in Elegant Form and Harmonious Decoration –
     Four Dynasties of Jingdezhen Porcelain, London, 1992, p. 70, no. 68).
     The inscription on the current box gives one of the 99 names of Allah.
     A number of other inscriptions are secular and either indicate use, such
     as ‘pen rest’, or are mottoes, such as ‘Strive for excellence in penmanship,
     for it is one of the keys of livelihood.’ The secular inscriptions may be in
     either Arabic or Persian, but are mostly composed in the latter.

                                                                                   fig. 1 Collection of the National Museum of China
                                                                                                     圖一 中國國家博物館藏品

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