Page 44 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 44

PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE COLLECTION                               清乾隆  窯變釉梅瓶  六字篆書刻款

    3221                                                                        來源
                                                                                1909 年贈予美國 Gardner 先生,此後一直在家族中流傳
    A FINE RARE FLAMBE-GLAZED VASE, MEIPING                                     紐約佳士得,2008 年 9 月 17 日,拍品 496 號

    QIANLONG INCISED SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARK AND OF THE                         此瓶體態渾厚,線條流暢,釉汁深邃濃艷,當為窯變釉器之精品。窯變
    PERIOD (1736-1795)                                                          釉為氧化銅呈色的高溫釉,始創於雍正朝。據記載,雍正帝曾多次下
    The broad-shouldered, tapering body is covered overall with a               來帖,內稱:郎中海望持出均窯雙管瓜楞瓶一件。奉旨,著將鰍耳乳耳
    deep red and flambé glaze streaked in bright milky blue on the              三元爐木樣鏃做幾件,並此瓶俱交年希堯,照此瓶上釉水燒造些來。」
    waisted neck and shading to a pale milky blue on the lipped rim             景德鎮督陶官唐英在其《陶人心語》裡輯錄七絕詩《春暮送吳堯圃之均
    and interior of the neck.                                                   州》,記錄唐英特派手下吳堯圃往河南禹縣,探尋燒製鈞瓷之秘技,終
    13 æ in. (34.9 cm.) high                                                    於研發出斑斕奪目的窯變釉。從本梅瓶上自然流淌、鮮豔欲滴的釉汁中
    HK$3,000,000-5,000,000 US$390,000-650,000
    PROVENANCE                                                                  部較撇,現捐贈予上海博物館,見 1989 年上海出版《胡惠春先生王華
                                                                                雲女士捐贈瓷器精品選》,圖版 71 號。瀋陽故宮博物院藏一件尺寸相
    Presented to Mr. Gardner, the United States, in 1909, and thence            同,但釉色呈紫藍色的乾隆梅瓶,見 2007 年出版《瀋陽故宮博物院藏
    by descent in the family                                                    文物精粹:瓷器卷.下》,第 2 冊,圖版 8 號。另一件略大例子(40 公
    Sold at Christie’s New York, 17 September 2008, lot 496                     分),釉呈紅藍雙色,缺底款,定年乾隆,為英國 E.T. Hall 舊藏,2004
                                                                                年 6 月 7 日於倫敦佳士得拍賣,拍品 132 號。
    This flambé-glazed meiping displays exceptional workmanship
    through its impressive size, brilliant lustrous glaze, as well as graceful
    contours. The attractive, streaked flambé glaze was newly developed
    during the Yongzheng reign, under the persistent demands from
    the Emperor himself for the Imperial kilns to devise new porcelain
    in imitation of Song-dynasty Jun wares. It was recorded that Tang
    Ying, the superintendent of the Jingdezhen Imperial kilns, sent his
    official Wu Yaopu to Yuzhou in Henan to learn the secrets of firing
    Jun wares. These newly acquired techniques materialised in the form
    of the stunning, intense flambé glaze as can be seen on the current
    vase, testifying to the success and mastery of Tang Ying and his fellow

    Very few flambé-glazed vessels in the form of meiping are known. A
    Qianlong-marked flambé-glazed meiping with slightly broader shoulders
    and a more splayed foot, formerly in the Zande Lou Collection and now
    in the Shanghai Museum, is illustrated in Qing Imperial Monochromes:
    The Zande Lou Collection, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005,
    no. 49. Another Qianlong-marked example of identical size is in the
    collection of the Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum. This glaze on this
    vase is rendered in a deep purplish-blue colour rather than red, and is
    illustrated in The Prime Cultural Relics Collected by Shenyang Imperial
    Palace Museum, the Chinaware, vol. 2, 2007, pl. 8. A slightly larger
    example (40 cm.), dating to the Qianlong period but without a reign
    mark, streaked in an even mix of blue and red, was formerly in the E.T.
    Hall Collection and sold at Christie’s London, 7 June 2004, lot 132.

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