Page 46 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 46



    A FINE LARGE CORAL-GROUND FAMILLE VERTE                                   清嘉慶  珊瑚紅地五彩十六子圖盌  六字篆書款

    ‘BOYS’ BOWL                                                               盌撇口,深弧璧,圈足。盌內施白釉。外壁以珊瑚紅釉為底,以五彩描
    JIAQING SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND                    竹的,有逗松鼠的,一群一組,姿態生動,栩栩如生。足墻描金回紋,
    OF THE PERIOD (1796-1820)
    The bowl is potted with wide rounded sides rising from a straight         此器原型始自明代嬰戲圖盌,永樂青花相似例子可見於香港藝術館,《天
    foot, the exterior well enamelled and gilt on a coral-red ground,         民樓藏瓷》,香港,1987 年,圖版 15 號。至康熙年間,又可見類似例
    with four groups of four boys gathered playing and engaged in             子於《徐氏藝術館:陶瓷篇》,第 4 冊,香港,1999 年,圖版 159 號;
    leisurely pursuits beside rocks and plantain on a continuous fenced       另外亦有兩例乾隆年間所產,其著錄於出光博物館,《中國の陶磁》,
    garden terrace, the rail posts, surrounding trees and vegetation          日本,1987 年,圖版 952 號。至於嘉慶實例,北京故宮博物院藏有相
    picked out in gilt, the interior and base with a transparent glaze.       同的例子,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:五彩.鬥彩》,香港,圖
    8 º in. (21 cm.) diam., box                                               版 159 號;兩件載於東方陶瓷協會之展覽圖錄,《Exhibition of Ch’ing
                                                                              Polychrome Porcelain》,香港,1977 年,圖版 100 號;還有一件例子
    HK$1,800,000-2,500,000  US$240,000-320,000                               刊登於《From the Dragon’s Treasure, Chinese Porcelain from the 19th and
                                                                              20th Centuries in the Weishaupt Collection》,倫敦,37 頁,圖版 32 號。
    The elaborate and highly amusing design on the present bowl is based      相同造型卻無附款的例子,可見佳士得香港拍賣,2006 年 11 月 28 日,
    on earlier Ming prototypes of children gathered in groups playing in a    拍品 1312 號。
    landscaped garden. The earliest representation in this format can be
    found on a Yongle blue and white bowl exhibited at the Hong Kong
    Museum of Art, Chinese Porcelain, The S.C. Ko Tianminlou Collection,
    Hong Kong, 1987, illustrated in the Catalogue, no. 15.

    The prototype for this particular design, however, is found on bowls
    dating to the Kangxi period. A similar bowl with a Kangxi mark is
    illustrated in The Tsui Museum of Art, Chinese Ceramics, vol. 4, Hong
    Kong, 1995, pl.104. A pair bowls of identical design from the Qianlong
    period is illustrated in Chinese Ceramics in the Idemitsu Collection,
    Japan, 1987, pl. 952.

    Jiaqing examples include a bowl in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
    illustrated in Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, The
    Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong,
    1999, pl.159; two bowls in the O.C.S. Exhibition of Ch’ing Polychrome
    Porcelain, 1977, no. 100, subsequently sold at Christie’s London, 13
    December 1982, lot 528; one included in The Wonders of the Potter’s
    Palette, 1986, no. 93; and another, illustrated by G. Avitable, From the
    Dragon’s Treasure, Chinese Porcelain from the 19th and 20th Centuries
    in the Weishaupt Collection, London, 1987, p. 37, fig. 32; and a similar
    bowl without a mark sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2006,
    Jade Shears and Shimming Feathers, Imperial Ceramics from the
    Robert Chang Collection, lot 1312.

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