Page 154 - Fine Chinese Art Bonhams London May 2018
P. 154

           A THANGKA OF SHAKYAMUNI                           The central figure wearing a ruyi shawl over loose patchwork robes,
           Tibet, circa 1850                                 adorned with elaborate jewellery and a foliate tiara, his right hand in
           Distemper on cloth, 61cm (24in) wide x 41cm (16in) long.  bhumisparsha mudra, seated on a lotus throne with posts entwined
                                                             by clambering dragons, flanked on the lower register by a further
           £7,000 - 10,000                                   image of Buddha Shakyamuni to his right and Ekamatrka Shi Devi, or
           CNY63,000 - 89,000                                Lokesh Chandra, to the left. On the upper register Amitayus is flanked
                                                             by Ushnîshavijayâ and Sita Tara, to the right and left. The Newari
                                                             inscription at the back, reads ‘Homage to Shakyamuni: the holy date
           西藏 約1850年 彩繪釋迦牟尼佛唐卡                               of the Newar year 879, on the 6th day of the month of Vaishakha
                                                             (corresponding to April-May 1850), when the eldest brother Shri Jiva
           Provenance: a European private collection         Narasimha died in Lhasa, Tibet, this image of Shri Shri Shri Buddha
                                                             Shakyamuni was dedicated accordingly in his name with full devotion
           來源: 歐洲私人收藏                                        by his brothers, namely Shr Birkusa and Shiva Narasimha. Wishing all
                                                             the family the best blessings in life’. According to a study by the Newar
           Published and illustrated: E.Lo Bue, Tibet, Dimora Degli Dei, Milano,   scholar, Gautama Vajracharya, presented at the conference titled
           1991, p.35, no.5 and E.Lo Bue, Immagini di Fede nel Mondo Tibetano   Himalayas. An Aesthetic Adventure, held in Chicago on 6th April 2003,
           e Himalayano, Firenze, p.25, no.3.                the present thangka was likely painted in Lhasa.

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