Page 184 - Fine Chinese Art Bonhams London May 2018
P. 184

A DISTINGUISHED EUROPEAN                          This unusual and comprehensive collection of Chinese sampans,
                                                             sail boats and rafts is exceptionally diverse in the materials from
           PRIVATE COLLECTION OF                             which these are made, demonstrating the breadth of prized
           JADE AND HARDSTONE BOATS                          materials available for carving and admired by connoisseurs
                                                             throughout the mid to late Qing dynasty. These include jade,
           顯貴歐洲私人珍藏玉石寶船                                      jadeite, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, agate, soapstone, rose quartz,
                                                             aventurine glass, serpentine and bowenite. In its entirety the
                                                             collection numbers over sixty maritime-subject carvings, each
           Lots 177 - 199                                    specially chosen and collected.
                                                             This unique collection was formed by the grandparents of the
                                                             present owner, who collected Chinese furniture, jade carvings
                                                             and porcelain, acquired mostly from the 1930s to the 1950s,
                                                             from leading London and Paris dealers including in London
                                                             John Sparks and Sydney L. Moss, and in Paris L.Wannieck,
                                                             Pierre Saqué, C.T. Loo, Michon and Compagnie de la Chine et
                                                             des Indes. The family sold part of the collection with Bonhams
                                                             in our New Bond St, London Rooms on 17 May 2012, lots 1-20,
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