Page 16 - Nov. 27 2019 Christie's Hong Kong Desk Objects
P. 16

         A SUPERBLY CAST BRONZE RITUAL FOOD                   ࠊᓒᕪ   㤎㘍㩲㩐♄㮝㸆
         LATE SHANG DYNASTY, 12TH-11TH CENTURY BC             ϝᬝ
         The tri-lobed body is raised on three columnar supports cast in intaglio   ⏑Ⱬ䁗卻         卼卿⤔⽚
         and positioned below the lobes which are finely cast with taotie masks   ( . ( ֛ᝩഏ՞卿⡥⡙႔᭢⁇ఉ
         formed by two dragons with large heads and 'toothed' jaws shown   㩛ݐٳࢷ⁒㱦卿آՓآ႔
         in profile on a fine leiwen ground and confronted on notched flanges   ⡥⡙צ೥ᇑ卿    ჺ  ᝲ ᚚ卿ᐽ৅   ⽚
         repeated between the three pairs of dragons confronted on short flanges   ంᙱࢽ⡢䁖卿ٳᘹ卿    ჺ
         above. A pair of bail handles rises from the slightly inward-canted rim.
         A graph is cast on the interior below the rim. The patina is of reddish-
                                                              ంᙱࢽ⡢䁖卿ٳᘹ卿    ჺ
         brown colour, and there is milky green encrustation.
                                                              ⡥⡙צ೥ᇑ卿    ჺ ᝲ  ᚚ卿ᐽ৅    ⽚
         8ƒ in. (21.7 cm.) high
         HK$10,000,000-15,000,000      US$1,300,000-1,900,000  ൣ⿫
                                                              ǶՀࢦՆ㙉ჺǷ卿ంᙱࢽ⡢䁖卿ٳᘹ卿    ჺ卿எ‸ ⽚
         C. T. Loo (1881-1957), no. 40.45
         Mrs G. M.G. Forman, Buffalo, New York
                                                              ԋஇ☑ໝ㩴⩠ऒⒺ♾Ꮢ ⤔ 卿Ƕ⧻ႽஇԖ⨒ࡄᓙ⎏Ꮁஇᬂॶ㬪
         Akron Art Museum, Ohio
         Sold at Christie's New York, 6 November 1980, lot 154   㠩଍㫀㢙Ƿ卿࢈՗卿    ჺ卿㮰   卿எ‸"  厎㮰   卿⤔⽚
         Eskenazi, London, 1985                               卻㠺ᙔᑃ‷卼
         The Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection                   㪀ഉ།卿Ƕᬂॶ㬪㠩଍ߎ㯸எ㢙Ƿ卿ែ՗卿    ჺ卿எ‸"  Ǯ
         Eskenazi, London, 1993                               3
         Important Chinese Archaic Bronzes from a Distinguished Private   Ⴃ⡢ࣿᆌݏㅓ卿Ƕԋᚚ᪹⧻ḭ⡥Ꮢ㇦ᏒᑃᏒᖂ㞖ᙔᆤ⤔Ƿ卿
         Collection, sold at Christie’s New York, 19 September 2013,
                                                              झ࢈卿    ჺ卿எ‸
         lot 1103
                                                              ໑♂㫒卿Ƕ㞖ᙔⶬ㢙➯⏖Ƿ卿࢈՗卿    ჺ卿எ‸
         EXHIBITED                                            ៣Ⴂടഏ卿Ƕᬂॶᛞջ㬪㠩଍ȹⒺ♾厍ᬂॶ㬪㠩଍⣐ㇺ卻Ӭ卼Ƿ卿
         Twenty Five Years, Eskenazi, London, 1985, no. 4     ែ՗卿    ჺ卿㮰  卿⤔⽚
         Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (ed.),       ჺ卿எ‸ ⽚
         Meidiguo zhuyi jielue di woguo yinzhou qingtongqi jilu, Beijing, 1962,    㪀ഉ།卿Ƕ⧻இᏒ⻦ԋஇ㠩଍㫀㢙Ƿ ㈳ㅚទ 卿࢈՗卿    ჺ卿
         p. 302, no. A30; p. 195, no. 60 (rubbing of inscription)  㮰  卿எ‸"
         Chen Mengjia, Yinzhou qingtongqi fenlei tulu, Tokyo, 1977, A30, R60
         Noel Barnard and Cheung Kwong-yue, Rubbings and Hand Copies
         of Bronze Inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese, European and Australasian
         Collections, Taipei, 1978, no. 1487
         Sun Zhichu, Jiwen zhulu jian mu, Beijing, 1981, no. 0078
         Hayashi Minao, In shu jidai seidoki no kenkyu (Conspectus of Yin and
         Zhou Bronzes), vol. 1, Tokyo, 1984, p. 54, no. 47
         Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection of Ancient Chinese
         Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1988, no. 7
         Chen Mengjia, Meiguo suocang Zhongguo tongqi jilu (revised edition),
         vol. 1, Beijing, 2019, p. 40, no. A30

           Illustration of the current ding and its inscription in Meidiguo zhuyi jielue di   Illustration of the current ding and its inscription in Hayashi Minao,
          wouguo yinzhou qingtongqi jilu, Beijing, 1962, p. 302, no. A30; p. 195, no. 60  In shu jidai seidoki no kenkyu (Conspectus of Yin and Zhou Bronzes),
                 ទ։䀢ᙻǶ⧻ႽஇԖ⨒ࡄᓙ⎏Ꮁஇᬂॶ㬪㠩଍㫀㢙Ƿ卿                                   vol. 1, Tokyo, 1984, p. 54, no. 47
                     㮰    卿எ‸ "  厎㮰     ⤔⽚    Ԡⶬ㢙             ទ։䀢ᙻ៣Ⴂടഏⶬम႓ᅺᙔ㱦߅‸Ƕᬂॶᛞջ㬪㠩଍ȹⒺ♾  ᬂॶ㬪㠩଍⣐ㇺ Ӭ Ƿ
                                                                               㮰   卿⤔⽚    Ԡⶬ㢙
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