Page 13 - Nov. 27 2019 Christie's Hong Kong Desk Objects
P. 13

fig. 1  Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
                                              D.C.: Purchase — Charles Lang Freer Endowment, F1954.15
                                             எӬ  ᅹߧ‰⧻ワ㱦⯝Ռ⇨g.g㐠ݐࡘ⧻ワ㱦   ݱ⻦⤔⽚厍4

               2801 Continued
               Archaic bronze Jue are more often found with conical caps on the post   
               rather than waisted caps as seen on the current example. Jue with   㲛ࢮ∪㢃卿Ӳᣥᤀ㑷ംᖊǯ᱁⯝ऑᯒ㱈⹳⶟⡠卿⭬㱈㲎㱬⡠卿ս㫥⡠ἃ
               conical caps on the post often date earlier than late Shang, such as the   ஠卿ۃᠨӴ⛘∪ս㫡㫥⡠Ӭॶ卿ӳ⛘⥴սᆃ⡠ݦॶǯ㢃ݤ㦪ᝳ㩽ᙔǸᆢ
               example dated to the 13th century BC in the Freer Gallery of Art and
               Arthur M. Sackler Gallery accession number: S1987.53. The current   ⎅ǹՀໃǯ
               jue further distinguishes itself with the addition of flanges on the body,
               which is rarely seen together with waisted caps. For other jue examples   അᙇ
               with both of these attributes, compare with an example excavated from   ᣥ⎏
               late-Shang royal tombs in Hejiazhuang, Anyang, Henan Province, now   Ꮩᣥݦٖ⁞ᇨ卿⏟⋁⧎㇦ǯऱᛞݰᝳ㊃Հ⁞ᇨ⎏ݯձ׾ຽजࣻ⩠
               in the collection of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia        ჺᯇࢶ໫㪈ؒ།ⴃਦջᇌឆℳ㪂ࢥᏒ⎉ᓒӬ׾卿ݯ→⻦ᙻझ࢈ԋഒ
               Sinica, Taipei, collection number: R001051; one from the Eugene Fuller   Ⓔ♾㩴᫓ट㊥㈲Ⓔ♾Ꮢ厎↚༩g༛ࡘ㐩Խ㇛㪿எࢷ⁒㱦Ӭ׾卿ݱ⻦⤔⽚厍
               Memorial Collection in the Seattle Art Museum, accession number:
               49.200; and one in the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler         厎ࣿᏊᷪ䁗⯠⻦→⻦ⵖ⏇㯀ᅹߧ‰⧻ワ㱦⯝Ռ⇨g.g㐠ݐࡘ⧻
               Gallery, accession number: S1987.53 (fig. 1). The first character of the   ワ㱦Ӭ׾卿ݱ⻦⤔⽚厍'       卻ॲː卼ǯⴷᆨ⛁ᠨ
               inscription hui, does not appear to be found on any other extant archaic   ⧻ワ㱦⯝Ռ⇨g.g㐠ݐࡘ⧻ワ㱦Ꮢ⻦ਦջԋឆ⎏Ӭ։卿㇦ݱ⻦⤔⽚厍
               bronze vessels.                                   4       ǯǸᆢǹໃ㠺ַត㇦ᙻݯձ㬪㠩଍ӳ卿ݯݰ㵲्⨒ᝳᇅᝤ㙊Ӭ
               The present jue has been included in several important archaic bronzes   ᫊⎏Ⓔ♾ǯ
               publications, most notably in Luo Zhenyu’s seminal work Sandai jijin
               wencun, and in Kankarō kikkinzu, a catalogue of archaic bronzes in the   ᫉଍۔ᐂᝳᄑ卿ᝪⶬ㢙ᙻ⧲ᑾℱǶӲջम㞖ᙔໄǷ卿 ᢐࣥថᯎǶވᙣ᧊
               collection of the late-Qing, early-Republican, and Manchuko politician   म㞖எǷ卿៣ႢടഏǶᬂॶᛞջ㬪㠩଍ȹⒺ♾   ᬂॶ㬪㠩଍⣐ㇺ   Ӭ  Ƿ
               Rong Hou compiled by the Japanese eminent archaeologist Umehara   ✙㞒㇝㞖ᙔǮ㬪㠩ⶬהǯ᫉଍ᝪ⊐᥼࣡Ⅷ⻦ǯ᥼࣡卿ᶕ႔㧏⻤ᚐ՞卿ᛮ
               Sueji, respectively.

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