Page 138 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 138

‘Hundred deer’ vases such as the present can be counted           through the Construction Office of the Yang Xin Dian, also
among the finest of products of the Qing imperial porcelain       dated to the third year of the Qianlong reign (1738), sixth
workshops at Jingdezhen and are emblematic of the Qianlong        month, mentioning a yangcai ‘hundred fortunes’ vase with
Emperor’s personality and rulership. Vases of this type and       double handles, with an order to the effect that a vase should
quality were produced for only a short period, during the         be made to the same design, but without handles; see Huali cai
tenure of Tang Ying (1682-1756) as supervisor of the imperial     ci: Qianlong yangcai/Stunning Decorative Porcelains from the
kilns from the Yongzheng (1723-35) until the early Qianlong       Ch’ien-lung Reign, Taipei, 2008, pl. 51, where Liao illustrates a
(1736-95) period.                                                 pair of ‘hundred deer’ vases with blue handles in the National
                                                                  Palace Museum, Taipei, attributing them to the third year of
The scene continues around the whole vase as if on a              the Qianlong reign (1738), describing the design as ‘hundred
handscroll, depicting a wild forest and mountain scene            fortunes’ décor and stating that the deer are depicted in
that is occupied by a number of stags and deer of different       different postures, “frolicking, standing, running, eating, and
species. The design carry a highly auspicious message, as the     drinking”.
characters for deer and good fortune (lu) are homophonous
and because the deer, pine and peach trees depicted are all       The version without handles may, however, not have only
symbols of longevity.                                             been a trial that was not followed up, as only one such vase
                                                                  without handles appears to be recorded, in the Seikado Bunko
This deer vase illustrates the Qianlong Emperor’s restoration     Art Museum, Tokyo, illustrated in the exhibition catalogue
of the practice of regular training hunts outside Beijing that    Seikadō zō Shinchō tōji. Keitokuchin kanyō no bi [Qing dynasty
had been introduced by his grandfather, the Kangxi Emperor        porcelain collected in the Seikado. Beauty of Jingdezhen
(r. 1662-1722). Apparently from the third year of Qianlong’s      imperial kilns], Seikado Bunko Art Museum, Tokyo, 2006,
reign, he organised regular hunts in the imperial hunting         p. 69, no. 59, together with a ‘hundred deer’ vase with blue
preserve at Mulan near Chengde in Rehe (Jehol), northeast         handles, p. 68, no. 58.
of Beijing, whose wooded hills were renowned for their
abundance of deer. He favoured spending the summer months         ‘Hundred deer’, or ‘hundred fortunes’, vases are more typically
at Mulan so much that it became similar to a temporary            known with red-enamelled handles, like the present piece. A
summer capital, where he frequently received envoys in the        vase of this design in the Shanghai Museum is illustrated in
imperial yellow yurt.                                             Zhongguo taoci quanji [Complete series on Chinese ceramics],
                                                                  Shanghai, 1999, vol. 15, pl. 17 and on the dust jacket; one, from
Court painters were regularly ordered to Mulan to record the      the Qing court collection and still in Beijing, is published in
imperial hunts in these enchanting hills in paintings, and it is  The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
precisely this scenery that seems to be depicted on ‘hundred      Porcelains with Cloisonne Enamel Decoration and Famille
deer’ vases such as the present. Several paintings of the         Rose Decoration, Hong Kong, 1999, pl. 85; another, from the
hunting genre are known from the Italian Jesuit court painter     Grandidier Collection in the Musée Guimet, Paris, is illustrated
Giuseppe Castiglione (Lang Shining, 1688-1766), such as Deer      in Oriental Ceramics. The World’s Great Collections, vol. 7,
Hunting Patrol, The Qianlong Emperor Chasing Deer, or The         Tokyo, 1981, no. 190; a vase from the collection of Stevenson
Qianlong Emperor on a Hunting Trip. His intricately composed,     Burke was sold in these rooms, 8th May 1980, lot 248,
lively depictions of animals in idealised landscapes, rendered    included in the exhibition 100 Masterpieces of Imperial Chinese
in a naturalistic and precise, academic painting style, clearly   Ceramics from the Au Bak Ling Collection, Royal Academy of
influenced the porcelain painters who enamelled these vases.      Arts, London, 1998; and a fifth example was sold in our New
                                                                  York rooms, 16th March 2016, lot 321. A vase of this type
According to historical records, vases of this type were made     but with handles covered in blue enamel, also in the Palace
in the first years of Qianlong and may have been designed         Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong.
to coincide with the reinstitution of the imperial hunt. Liao     Qing Porcelain from the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong,
Pao Show quotes an entry in the Huo Ji Dang, which contains       1989, p. 338, pl. 19.
records of work commissioned for the Qing imperial family

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