Page 142 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 142


AN IMPERIALLY INSCRIBED                              清乾隆 粉彩開光題御製詩花卉紋撇口瓶
FAMILLE-ROSE SGRAFFIATO                                        《大清乾隆年製》款
SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF                              來源:
QIANLONG                                             山中商會,東京
                                                     Michael Klatchko 醫生(1883-1968年)收藏
with a finely potted cylindrical body resting
on a slightly splayed foot, surmounted by a          展覽:
tapering shoulder and trumpet neck, the body         《世界古美術展覽會》,山中商會及日本美術
skilfully decorated with eight raised alternating    協會,大阪及東京,1932年,編號648
gilt-bordered lobed cartouches, four enclosing
inscriptions of poems written in clerical, regular,  題識:                                玉鏡平鋪一帶長,紅衣翠蓋儼明妝。
running and seal scripts, eulogising peony,          錦繡堂中開畫屏,牡丹紅間老松青。                   不爭艶麗當春日,獨濯清漣傍夕陽。
mallow, lotus and prunus respectively, each          日烘始識三春麗,歲暮猶看百尺亭。                   雲髻峨峨疑洛浦,秋風嫋嫋憶瀟湘。
followed by two seal marks reading Qianlong and      夭矯拏空欣得地,輝煌散彩正當庭。                   鷺鷥可是知人意,雙落明波領晚香。
bingxu (in accordance with 1766) respectively,       一般都是生生意,坐對從知筆有靈。                   御題。「乾隆」、「丙戌」印
the other four delicately enamelled in shaded        御題。「乾隆」、「丙戌」印                      〈題蔣南沙相國畫屏五景.荷〉,
pastel tones of the famille-rose palette with        〈題蔣南沙相國畫屏五景.蒼松牡丹〉,                 《御製詩樂善堂全集定本》,卷24,頁15
clusters of flowering and budding floral blooms,     《御製詩樂善堂全集定本》,卷24,頁15
all against a white ground detailed with iron-red
feathery scrolls and highlighted with famille-rose   色是黃金花是盤,迎風未舞已珊珊。                   天上春陽回未回,早傳消息到庭梅。
floral scrolls, the neck further accentuated with    蕊珠宮裡仙人佩,姑射人頭玉女冠。                   暗香和雪尋常放,嫩蕚侵寒三兩開。
bats suspending chimes, the foot skirted with a      承露更添千葉碧,向陽還有寸心丹。                   每傍階前照清淺,更於月下重徘徊。
key-fret band, the interior and base enamelled       鵝黃淡抹饒深憶,漫作尋常渲染看。                   一枝風物資清供,調鼎還看濟世才。
turquoise, the base further centred with an          御題。「乾隆」、「丙戌」印                      御題。「乾隆」、「丙戌」印
iron-red six-character seal mark within a white      〈題蔣南沙相國畫屏五景.黄蜀葵〉,                  〈題蔣南沙相國畫屏五景.梅〉,
cartouche                                            《御製詩樂善堂全集定本》,卷24,頁16               《御製詩樂善堂全集定本》,卷24,頁16
40 cm, 15¾ in.


Yamanaka & Co., Tokyo.
Collection of Dr Michael Klatchko (1883-1968).


Sekai kobijutsu tenrankai [Antiques of the World
exhibition], Yamanaka & Co. and Tokyo Art Club,
Osaka and Tokyo, 1932, cat. no. 648.

HK$ 18,000,000-25,000,000
US$ 2,320,000-3,230,000

Mark                                                 fig. 1
140 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比                                    Sekai kobijutsu tenrankai [Antiques of the World exhibition], Yamanaka & Co. and Tokyo
                                                     Art Club, 1932.

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