Page 152 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 152


PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN                                            題識:
A RARE IMPERIALLY INSCRIBED FAMILLE-                               松實味芳腴,三品殊清絕。
ROSE TEAPOT                                                        烹以折腳鐺,沃之承筐雪。
SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF QIANLONG                                   火候辯魚蟹,鼎煙迭聲火。
with a finely potted domed body rising to a waisted neck           五蘊凈大半,可悟不可說。
and flared rim, reserved around the sides with a horizontal        馥馥兜羅遞,活活雲槳澈。
panel enclosing the poem Sanqing cha (‘Three Purity Tea’)          偓佺遺可餐,林逋賞時別。
composed by the Qianlong Emperor, written in regular script,       懶舉趙州案,頗笑玉川譎。
ending with two seals reading Qian and Long, set between           寒宵聽行漏,古月看懸玦。
two bands of ruyi heads and florets on a pink scroll ground,       軟飽趁幾余,敲吟興無竭。
the shoulder delicately enamelled with finger citron, plum         《清高宗御製詩文全集.御製詩初集》,卷36,頁17
blossoms and pine growing amidst leafy branches, all below a
key-fret band, the spout emerging from a band of ruyi heads        御製粉彩「三清茶」詩茶壺,屬乾隆御用茶具,用於每年
and decorated with lotus sprays, with an iron-red bat hovering     新歲正日紫禁城重華宮之盛大茶宴。丙寅年(1746年)
below, the loop handle with further lotus sprays, tied to the      小春,乾隆帝三十六歲誕辰於茶室品茶時有感,詠此御製
top with a simulated ribbon, the neck with a band of pendent       詩。以雪水烹茶,沃梅花、佛手和松子,得三清茶之清絕
leaves under a scroll border, the rim gilt, inscribed on the base  香馥,詩句反映他對於茶與烹煮製茶美德得讚賞與鍾愛,
with the six-character seal mark in iron red                       並寓意佛家禪說之執善空淨。
across 14.8 cm, 5⅞in.
PROVENANCE                                                         出於《乾隆皇帝的文化大業》,台北,2002年,編號51;
A Parisian private collection, acquired in France from a           生活》,澳門藝術博物館,2002年,編號79。
provincial antiques dealer.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th April 2007, lot 505.

HK$ 5,000,000-7,000,000
US$ 645,000-905,000

清乾隆 粉彩礬紅御製「三清茶」詩茶壺                                                 比較一件黃地粉彩茶壺,造形類同,繪山水圖並書乾隆御
          《大清乾隆年製》、《乾隆丙寅小春御題》款                                     製《雨中烹茶泛臥遊書室有作》詩,2000年3月22日售於
          「乾」、「隆」印                                                 紐約蘇富比,編號135。北京故宮博物院藏一件器形相異
來源:                                                                情境相符的山水紋,刊於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.
巴黎私人收藏,購自一法國鄉郊骨董商                                                  琺瑯彩.粉彩》,香港,1999年,圖版108。

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