Page 155 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 155

The teapot, part of a tea set used by the Qianlong Emperor at          See a Qianlong iron-red bowl decorated with this poem, in the
tea ceremonies held during New Year’s celebrations, contains           National Palace Museum, Taipei, included in the exhibition
one of his favourite poems, Sanqing cha (‘Three Purity Tea’).          Emperor Qianlong’s Grand Cultural Enterprise, Taipei, 2002,
The Qianlong Emperor wrote this poem in the bingyin year (in           cat. no. 51; and another from the collection of the Palace
accordance with 1746), on the occasion of his 36th birthday            Museum, Beijing, exhibited in The Life of Qianlong, Macao
while sipping tea in his studio on a cold winter’s day. The poem       Museum of Art, Macao, 2002, cat. no. 79.
describes the tea made from plum blossoms, finger citron, and
pine nut kernels. These three ingredients are brewed in snow           Compare also a yellow-ground famille-rose teapot of related
water, giving the tea a pure quality and special flavour. The          shape, one side painted with a landscape scene and the other
poem further describes the virtues of tea making. Simplicity,          with the poem ‘Preparing Tea in the Rain’ by the Qianlong
austerity and purity of tea drinking reminds the Emperor of            Emperor, sold in our New York rooms, 22nd March 2000,
Buddhist values.                                                       lot 135. A Qianlong teapot of different form, in the Palace
                                                                       Museum, Beijing, similarly inscribed with the poem ‘Preparing
The poem is recorded in Qing gaozong yuzhi shiwen quanji               Tea in the Rain’ and decorated with a corresponding landscape
[Anthology of imperial Qianlong poems and prose], Yuzhi                scene, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures
shiwen chuji [Imperial poems, vol. 1], juan 36, p. 17.                 of the Palace Museum. Porcelains with Cloisonné Enamel
                                                                       decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, Hong Kong, 1999, pl.
Plum blossoms appear too chastened,                                    108.
Buddha hand citron too fragrant
pine nut kernels carry the taste of richness and rarity,               A further example of a Qianlong teapot painted with the
tea like these three would be out of the ordinary.                     Emperor’s poem, together with a pair of matching bowls and a
The water for tea is simply boiled in a broken-legged pot,             tray is included in Kangxi. Yongzheng. Qianlong. Qing Porcelain
so thoroughly that its heat could penetrate through a basket           from the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1989, pl. 12;
of snow.                                                               another pink-ground teapot with a design of chrysanthemums
Flames shaped like fish and crabs show the strength of the fire        in panels in famille rose is published ibid., pl. 46; and a celadon-
as the smoke of the stove appears and disappears in turn.              ground teapot in the Chang Foundation, illustrated in Selected
The Tea like ‘fairy’s milk’ is poured into a Yuezhou tea bowl,         Chinese Ceramics from Han to Qing Dynasties, Taipei, 1990,
here in my studio,                                                     pl. 162.
just as I am taking an interest in Buddhist thoughts.
The principles of the ‘five yun’ refer primarly to purity, (like tea)
for they defy exposition, but can be readily understood.
The pure, naturally aromatic tea is passed around with hands
as soft as a cotton ball.
This tea would be a suitable drink for the immortal Wu Chuan
and would certainly be appreciate by Lin Pu.
But I am too lazy to have tea sipping parties like a Zhao Zhu
and I cannot help but laugh at the artfulness of a Yu Chuan.
I listen to the sound of the water clock
In the still cold night,
I look out, gazing at the crescent moon in the sky.
After drinking some wine and tea at my small table, I feel so
elated I seek apt verses to express my thoughts.

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