Page 168 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 168


A MAGNIFICENT IMPERIAL                              清乾隆 御製緙絲壽字掛軸
QIANLONG EMPEROR’S EIGHTIETH                        鈐印:
BIRTHDAY                                            「乾隆御覽之寶」、
SEAL MARKS AND PERIOD OF                            「避暑山莊」、
QIANLONG                                            「八徵耄念之寶」、
skilfully and meticulously woven with a powerful    「五福五代堂古稀天子寶」
large shou character in black against a beige
ground, below five seals, respectively reading      來源:
Qianlong yulan zhibao (‘Treasure appreciated        香港佳士得1997年4月27日,編號81
by the Qianlong Emperor’), Bishu shanzhuang
(‘Mountain Estate for Escaping the Heat’)Bazheng    此壽字掛軸配掐絲琺瑯軸頭,飾番蓮紋,銘「
maonian zhibao (‘Seal of the Eighty-year-old        乾隆年製」款。
Man Mindful of the Eight Requirements’), Xintian
zhuren (‘The Master of Faith in Heaven’),Wufu
wudaitang guxi tianzi bao (‘Treasure of the Son
of Heaven at Seventy at the Hall of the Five
Blessings in Five Generations’), framed by a
yellow border well woven in multi-coloured
threads depicting eleven dragons chasing
‘flaming pearls’, each of the mythical beasts
exquisitely picked out in gold and rendered in
different postures, one depicted coiling around a
‘flaming pearl’ at the centre of the upper border,
flanked by two striding sinuously, some rendered
soaring upwards with the neck outstretched, all
admist red, green, blue, yellow and aubergine
ruyi cloud scrolls, the mount vibrantly decorated
with bats in flight amidst sprigs of peaches and
various floral sprays, bearing peony, lingzhi and
narcissus blooms, all against a rich ruby-red
ground, each of the cloisonné enamel scroll ends
decorated with four medallions respectively
enclosing a character of the reign mark
312.5 by 145 cm, 123 by 57 in.

Christie’s Hong Kong, 27th April 1997, lot 81.

Estimate Upon Request

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