Page 172 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 172


AN EXTREMELY RARE SET OF TEN FAMILLE-                                 清嘉慶 粉彩江西十景盌一套十件
ROSE BOWLS WITH VIEWS OF JIANGXI                                                 《大清嘉慶年製》款
each rounded bowl with widely everted, conical sides faintly          「百花春曉」、「上清勝境」、「麻姑仙壇」、
flared at the rim, resting on a slightly tapering foot, the exterior  「廬山瀑布」、「西山叠翠」、「庚嶺積雪」、
depicting different landscape scenes painted in famille-rose          「南浦飛雲」
enamels, with inscriptions in black enamel to identify the
sites, above a narrow lotus scroll border in blue enamel on a         來源:
band of white enamel all within underglaze-blue double lines          傳1936年以前購於中國
circling the rim and foot, the interior decorated in iron red with    香港佳士得1989年9月26日,編號748
a branch of prunus and one of finger citron under a pine tree         香港佳士得2001年4月29日,編號517
in the centre, within a ruyi border reserved in white on red at       玫茵堂收藏
the rim                                                               香港蘇富比2011年4月7日,編號17
14.5 to 14.7 cm, 5¾ in.
PROVENANCE                                                            康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-2010年,卷4
Acquired in China prior to 1936, by repute.
Christie’s Hong Kong, 26th September 1989, lot 748.                   套盌繪著名江西十景,以精奇佈置、華彩麗色,細緻描畫
Christie’s Hong Kong, 29th April 2001, lot 517.                       景德鎮一帶的巍峨秀朗。耿寶昌指,嘉慶年間大量燒製胎
The Meiyintang Collection.                                            體輕薄之器,細膩繪飾各地山水名勝,如杭州的「西湖十
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7th April 2011, lot 17.                          景」、「長江十景」、江西的「廬山十景」及湖南的「洞
LITERATURE                                                            年,頁293。

Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection,        江西十景套盌,似為孤品,未有相類整套瓷盌著錄出版。
London, 1994-2010, vol. 4, nos 1762-71.                               橫河民輔典藏中,有一只清嘉慶瓷盌,上題「麻姑仙
HK$ 8,000,000-12,000,000                                              ,1988-90年,卷2,編號672。Weishaupt 藏品中另有一
US$ 1,040,000-1,550,000                                               只瓷盌,題為「上清勝境」,刊於 Gunhild Avitabile,
                                                                      《Chinese Porcelain from the 19th and 20th Centuries in
                                                                      the Weishaupt Collection》,倫敦,1987年,編號20。

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