Page 174 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 174

Xunyang jiu pai [Nine Tributaries of the Xunyang], a river         Lushan pubu [Lushan Waterfall] depicts a dramatic waterfall
scenery in Jiujiang, which is bordered on one side with houses     near Poyang Lake among steep blue-green mountains, with
on stilts in front of a city wall with a double-roofed gate and    a thatched hut below, a pagoda and temple building to one
willows and pink-flowering trees in the foreground, on the other   side and further temple halls among pine trees high up in the
shore boats are moored and people are visiting a pavilion, with    blue-green mountains, with people climbing up the steep stone
reed-covered fishing boats nearby and sailing boats in mid-        steps.
river, one tucking a rowing boat along.
                                                                   Xishan die cui [Layers of Kingfisher Blue in the Western
Teng[wang]ge gao feng [Lofty Scenery at the Pavillion of           Mountains] shows the mountainous landscape of Xishan,
Prince Teng] shows a famous pavilion at the Gan river in           southwest of Nanchang, with the waterfall, crossed by a
Xinjian county that has its origins in the early Tang dynasty      covered walkway, continuing as a winding stream with a bridge
and was immortalized in a poem by Wang Bo (AD 649-                 in the foreground and group of buildings behind a wall with a
76), depicted as a building with curved roofs on a terrace         triple gateway further away, inscribed with a temple name.
overlooking a river with many sailing and rowing boats,
guarded on the other side by crenellated walls.                    Yuling ji xue [Snow Piling up on Yu Mountain Range] is the title
                                                                   of a snowy landscape in Dayu, also known as Meiling [Prunus
Xuting yan liu [Misty Willows at the Xu Pavilion], a site in       Blossom Mountain Range], showing people crossing snow-
Jiujiang depicting two impressive buildings with double roofs      covered mountain ranges on mules or on foot, the roofs of a
with curved-up eaves connected by a multi-arched bridge            tall gateway and other buildings laden with snow, and overall
with an island with small houses among dense willow trees,         red-flowering prunus and evergreen trees lending colour.
the white-washed gate to the bridge inscribed ...longqiao [...
Dragon Bridge], two fishermen in their boats with their nets       Nanpu fei yun [Nanpu Flying Clouds], a scenic spot southwest
lowered to one side and a smaller one-hump bridge to the           of Nanchang, also described by the Tang poet Wang Bo, shows
other side next to crenellated walls partly hidden by clouds.      a lakeside view with a tall pagoda and other buildings in the
                                                                   foreground, islets with pavilions among willow trees at the
Baihua chun xiao [Spring Dawn at Hundred Flowers], shows           other shore and fishing boats dotted about on the water.
Baihua Island in East Lake in Nanchang, famous for a garden
laid out there by a Song dynasty (AD 960-1279) scholar,            This set depicts famous scenic spots of the region around
and depicts people crossing a large green, where a pailou          Jingdezhen in Jiangxi province, where the bowls were made.
(ceremonial arch) has been erected, one man with a shoulder        The different scenes are outstanding in their dramatic
pole, another with a staff, one on a mule followed by an           composition, quality of the painting and the range of enamel
attendant with an umbrella, a walled compound with willows         colours. Geng Baochang mentions as characteristic of the
beyond identified as Donghu Shuyuan [East Lake College],           Jiaqing reign finely potted and painted porcelains decorated
further buildings built into the water, connected by a dyke with   with ten famous views of various areas, such as Ten Views of
further willows that leads to a small walled compound with a       West Lake, in Hangzhou, Ten Views of Changjiang, the Yangzi
commemorative stele, with a ferryboat and many fishing boats       River, Ten Views of Lushan, a mountain in Jiangxi, and Ten
surrounding the island, some with lowered nets.                    Views of Dongting, a lake in Hunan; see Geng Baochang, Ming
                                                                   Qing ciqi jianding [Appraisal of Ming and Qing porcelain], Hong
Shangqing sheng jing [Scenic Spot of Shangqing] renders a          Kong, 1993, p. 293.
Daoist temple devoted to Shangqing, one of the ‘Three Pure
Ones’ in Guixi county, its multi-coloured roofs nestled among      This set appears, however, to be unique and similar complete
dramatic steep blue-green cliffs and surrounded by clouds,         sets of ten bowls do not appear to have been otherwise
with the path leading over a bridge past a figure of a seated      published; a single Jiaqing bowl inscribed Magu xian tan, from
stone lion on a pedestal, through a ceremonial arch up broad       the collection of Yokogawa Tamisuke is included in Tōkyo
steps to a front gate inscribed Shangqinggong [‘Shangqing          Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan zuhan mokuroku: Chūgoku tōji hen/
Palace’], with people in boats travelling along a river nearby     Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum: Chinese
and a waterfall rushing down from a rock face opposite.            Ceramics, Tokyo, 1988-90, vol. 2, no. 672; another inscribed
                                                                   Shangqing sheng jing in the Weishaupt collection is illustrated
Magu xian tan [Altar of the Immortal Magu], depicts the altar of   in Gunhild Avitabile, Vom Schatz der Drachen/From the
the Daoist Immortal Magu on Mount Magu in Nancheng, with           Dragon’s Treasure: Chinesisches Porzellan des 19. und 20.
a temple hall built to overhang steep rocky cliffs, partly hidden  Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung Weishaupt/Chinese Porcelain
among clouds, next to a waterfall, another further down, visible   from the 19th and 20th Centuries in the Weishaupt Collection,
through a large circular ‘gateway’ formed by a natural rock        London, 1987, cat. no. 20.
formation, and a third building high up on a platform with a
vista onto steep cloud-enveloped hills, with pines in the valley
and a red sun in the sky.

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